Rumors about Anduin

Sorry, I fixed it. :wrench::robot:


I DID NOT see that at all! Good Eye! I’m glad to see her again! Kinda sad the most she’s done since BFA was in a stupid book and not in game!


God forbid they set up plot hooks for their next story.

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Part of me hopes it’s because Turalyon would launch a crusade to find him, one that might ignite a war

Part of me fears it’s because Turalyon would want him killed

Why, though? It’s not the regent’s job to force the King to reassume the duties of the throne. They remain regent until the King chooses to return and relieves them of their burden.

I don’t see Turalyon trying to force Anduin to come back either, for that matter. At worst he’d probably ask Shaw to have men tail him for his protection.

This is what worries me, that the writters are just going to suddenly have the story unfold as, “Turalyon likes power and wants to keep it permanently.”


People are so desperate for their hack job “good guy bad guy good” story. :roll_eyes:


You mean the same “celestial force” - the Light - that Anduin himself has also sworn to serve and has been openly using and worshipping since his teenage years? The same celestial force behind the nation’s biggest religion and that played a pivotal role in the Burning Legion’s defeat? That force.

People making mountains out of molehills.

Based on the words, I see the situation as Genn and Shaw deciding “We don’t have enough information for an official report, we’ll tell him when we know more.”

Me too, you’re not the only one; I’ve complained about ever since they jobbed that Prime Naaru for Illidork in Legion.

I do get the feeling the writers might have the stupid idea of villain-batting Turalyon and they’re going about in a stupid way.


Anduin isn’t the heir to the throne of Gilneas, not by any interpretation.

Anduin is also not the heir to Lordaeron, the location the Scarlets were actually claiming the mystery heir was the mystery heir of.



No definitely not. I believe that it was Talia that they supposedly had under wraps.

Did you mean Taelia, Bolvar’s daughter? The only Talia I can find is either:

This forsaken, with no story

Or this tauren, also with no story

Taelia wouldn’t make sense for them to have under wraps, given she was all the way in Boralus, and the Scarlets claim the heir is a son anyway.


He’s a favorite of Metzen and Golden. Unfortunately we are kind of stuck with that dolt hogging all the spotlight and warping other character personalities via proximity.


Actually debatable, if all kings come from the same line

Anduin comes from the Wynn line, Jaina and her mother from the Proudmoore line, Arthas and Callia from the Menethil line, and of course, Gilneas has been ruled by the Greymane line. Five of the original seven kingdoms were ruled by separate royal lines with Gnomeregan being a competitive technocracy and Dalaran a magocracy.

I’m still hands down set on the idea that if Yrel makes a return that Turalyon will side with her.

I seriously don’t know what direction they’re gonna go with him, he’s really a wild card. One of the few lore characters right now I can’t get a consistent read on.

If it’s heavy-handed, it’s not subtle.

Badly done is what it is.


I don’t like it either.

I’m not against evil light users, but when the light as a force becomes less benevolent and becomes more of a villain, it becomes annoying.

I think most people that play paladins (that play for lore and class fantasy reasons at least) want to be paragons of justice and virtue, not some subversion.


Evil should be a matter of perspective for each cosmic force. If you’re aligned to the Light then you’d view void as evil and vice versa. Will the writing actually play that out properly? Probably not!


Thats easy to argue when it comes to perceived good forces being shown as evil.

No one here would like a storyline about how Sargeras was actually doing a good thing the whole time. Or that chilling with the old gods is better than what resulted from the titan’s actions.

Even if he was justified in his own mind, Sargeras was shown to be doing the wrong thing over and over.

In the same fashion, taking a force like the light, which had agents being selfless, helpful against clearly evil enemies, having a really good track record overall suddenly be this controlling force that has been secretly working behind our backs the whole time to me feels dishonest.

In the same fashion, we had classes and characters using evil powers be for good or helpful reasons, warlocks, demon hunters, death knights, if Suddenly they are using not evil forces for good, but “forces that are good from a certain POV” doesn’t really hit the same way.

The same can be said about stuff like the scarlet crusade, they don’t hit as hard as enemies if they are suddenly the norm and not the exception, they work because they are so twisted they can summon the light despite being evil.

That of course is my sole opinion.

Moraly grey areas only work when there is objective good and evil, if everything is grey nothing is grey.


At the moment I choose to believe the evil light users(and generally good aligned forces) are the exception overall in terms of the actual world. Basically inversions of what you see in DH and DKs. But I agree with you that I hope we don’t just get a “These forces are good or bad from a certain point of view” because that’s lazy “nuance” imo.

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