Rumor: Next allied races are Tuskar (Alliance) and Gnolls (Horde)

Having played with the gnoll costume from the anniversary, I’m doubting it. They’re missing tons of animations, and the animations that do exist for them are pretty sloppy. There are also no female (body type 2 for you wokeydokes) gnolls.

I mean, this is wishful thinking, right? I have wanted to play a Tuskar almost as long as I have wanted to play an ogre. I love the Tuskar!

It’s like saying there are Alliance Shamans and Goblins are Horde before it actually happened.

People still have trade toggled?

If gnolls become a horde race, i will probably go horde forever tbh.

Sounds accurate to hyenas.

No way will they put the tuskar on one faction. If anything, they’ll become neutral like the Pandarens.

C’mon we all know it will be 2 neutral races since Horde and Alliance are now officially making out.

Tuskar, and Tortollan all day long.

I would go with some play on Fleetwood Mac…


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It’s where I get all my stock market advice.

Night elves and Blood elves aren’t allied races and didn’t come out at the same time so yeah I don’t think this makes much sense. Every single new allied race doesn’t fit this parallel theory you mention imo

That alone is reason enough to disbelieve it. If trade told me it was 2023, I would check a calendar.



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And General forum is? lol

The nightborne are night elves and the void elves are blood elves. :mag::robot:

…but now we have another dwarf variation, not sure what the rules are nowadays. :robot::thought_balloon:

I’d totally take Gnolls for Alliance. If for no other reason, for the one RPer who has a serious hate of gnolls, and saying it is some law against them and to actively hunt them. That guy? I want to see him seethe and froth at the mouth when his wannabe guard RP is absolutely ruined and he gets laughed off the server.

Oh please no, no please, the alliance needs something, not a disney looking fatso

Im ready to reroll my druid to a gnoll please blizzard🙏

Seems like the rumors were wrong.

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Holy crap what happened to your avatar?! YOU ARE JUST A FLOATING HEAD!