Rumor keystones reset every week

You can always trash the key you got from last weeks carry down to a level you can actually run.

Thatā€™s a really stupid ideaā€¦I sometimes run
10-20 keys a week across 8-10 toons

Hard pass for me.

It would be exactly the opposite; anyone with a job would be locked out of this content.

I heard a rumor Castle Nathria is exclusive the those who join the Venthyr, other covenants have to wait for future patches to be allowed into their own thematic raids.

This rumor is, of course, unsubstantiated and wholly untrue, because I just made it up. When it comes to expansion info, assume any rumor is false until datamining gives evidence for or against it. Like expansion leaks, 99.99% of it is someone making stuff up to get attention.

Iā€™m not a high-end Mythic+ player currently but that sounds like a nightmare. Iā€™m not even sure who it benefits. For a casual player, they have to do at least six dungeons per week just to get back to the +15 they did last week. How does that help anyone?

Letā€™s be straight: this ā€˜rumorā€™ is an idea that came from your backside and youā€™re trolling us now.

Untrue and unstraight.

Oh god does this mean I end up carrying people through keys and inflating their io when they donā€™t deserve it

You all made good points, reading it back it sounds like it would make boost/carry runs more valuable. That can not be intended.