I am missing one coin have two foils for the ghoul mini in the rumble. I ran two scripts to show me which i missed, and both scripts come back showing me true. I have not missed any. I had gotten a murloc twice, and deleted one. I would like to complete this please. I need one coin. I have two foils now.
I have interacted with the machine in Vald and Org. which are the only two I have used. I was given two foils, but need coins. In this image you see:
Running the scripts to show true or false for foils and coins all come back true. Still don’t have this and don’t know how to acquire the Ghoul to complete.
Scripts used:
Rumble Coin Script
/run for k,v in pairs({{“STW”,74844},{“ORG”,74845},{“VAL”,73180},{“WKS”,73182},{“OHP”,73928},{“AZS”,73936},{“THZ”,74843}})do print(v[2],C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v[2]),v[1],“COIN”) end
Rumble Foil Script
/run for k,v in pairs({{“STW”,73952,74286},{“ORG”,74848,74287},{“VAL”,74849},{“WKS”,75039,74851,74850},{“OHP”,75040,75036},{“AZS”,75041,75037},{“THZ”,75038,74852}})do for i=2,#v do print(v[i],C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(v[i]),v[1],“FOIL”)end end