Rumble Foil/Rumble Prize Box

Didn’t even know you could get a gold transformation, none of mine have gotten it despite multiple foil uses.

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Even with the hints, still having trouble finding some of them, gonna have to wait for people to post coordinates for a few. Also, when I tried to use two foils on the same mini, instead of upgrading it, the foil just vanished, so I’m not happy about that.

used all 14 foils to upgrade. Sneed figure toy didnt upgrade after using 2 foils. is there more than 14 foils??

i had the same issue, reloaded and was able to go reloot one of the foils, got him to silver but now cant upgrade to gold, and rechecked all the locations and and no other foils.

You’re going to need to redo this one, Blizz…


Yep, one leftover foil. No option to upgrade my Tauren toy to get the remaining achievements.

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Yeah no Left over foil I found it all Run scrip to No Left over Foil,

All Rumbles are copper not even gold

Quest giver me Quest to find Coin but I found all the qouite please have to seen and fix please and thank you.

Udate, Some them have turn sliver but the Murloc and Night elf Huntress, I wish for more Foils To fix it or have this issue fix

NPC sitll over me quest even if I found all the coins and so forth."

Update: It just Medive and Sneed foils I need to make htem gold but No foils is can be found, More foils please.

I have ran into the same issue. I have looted everything, but I am given a quest as if it is my first coin to turn in and I cannot loot anymore coins. 100% bugged.

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Same here. I have 6 foils left, and all the toys. The machine and the OG quest giver only offer the original quest again which cannot be done because the coins disappear account wide.

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can you make sword in box light sword so sword come out when opened? then if sword is back after sword, use light saber on box, and saber will be boxed after sword is out.

Cannot complete the minis. Looks Like Im missing coins even though I have gotten them all. I have no coins and 1 foil in bags.

I am missing “Gain Maiev Toy” Which means I am unable to complete achievements related to getting all of the minis

Looks like many others having similar issues. Would be nice to actually complete the event that seems to be bugged…


Open your Toy Box and find the mini. Place it on the ground and wait for the gear icon to appear. Clicking it will upgrade it to silver, which allowed me to turn in my final foil to upgrade it to gold and get the achievement.

Are people upgrading them by clicking their objects in the world or something? I didn’t know that was an option. I did all my upgrades at the Rumble machine itself.

This worked – thank you! Blizz suggestion: don’t make the coin and foil bags lootable until the quest is accepted…

Well, I looted all the items, and have 5 toys still to upgrade and only 4 foils - and it won’t let me use any of them, because the machine is grayed out and wanting a rumble coin. That’s Bilzz for ya.

I am in a similar situation, however, I accepted the quest, but picked up the foil (as it was near the machine) and used the foil first not realizing that I had to use the coin first to get the toy to use the foil on. Since I essentially “wasted” that first foil I am 1 foil short, can’t gold my last toy and am missing the last achieves b/c of it. And yes the missing achieves part makes me more mad than anything, being an achievement person.


This exact same thing happened to me, now i cant do anything, I really hope they help everyone out otherwise I wont get anything. This is sad.

It looks like a solution is in the works, see more info here:

i got the coin but didnt get the quest… so wtf do we do ??? got to love bliztards…