Rule 3: Trust is easned quest is bugged

The locations for the quest does not show up on the map like it had before and going to the location the quest is supposed to show you will not let you place a signaling beacon…


I’m having this exact same issue, would love some feedback if anyone has any ideas


Glad I’m not alone. I wasted so much time with this last night. Made a ticket but we already know the outcome of that…


Yup, chiming in as well.

Thought I was going insane as I was almost certain I remembered the quest, but there was nothing allowing me to pass the first step.


following because it’s glitched out for me too. i just wanted a cool transmog for my hunter D:

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same issue for me. i was running around that stone in circles for half an hour like an idiot looking for that beacon marker. tried changing phases, re-logging, abandoning quest etc, nothin

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Same issue here. Sad there’s no way to progress to Torghast rn

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Yeah same, From what I’m seeing this has been an ongoing issue, Hoping we can a fix overhaving to wait more.

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Chiming in to add my ‘Same’

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just commenting again hoping we get some traction here

i now see the beacon but cant place it after the update…

quest worked for me now, the objective showed up on the map and I was able to place the beacon