Rukhmar spawn point

Please fix Rukhmar’s spawn point in Spires of Arak to be on the ground. As any class without a 40-yard ability, you basically have to react instantly to the spawn to get the tag from the platform, and if you miss it then she can die to dots before you can chase after the tag due to the spawn-damage protection fading.


Where are you hitting at? there’s a spot where he fly close to the ground that anyone can hit him.

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Might need to see that spot. I missed the platform tag due to reacting half a second late and she died to DoTs before coming close to the ground. Everyone on the ground missed her as well.

I can kill it in the air before that point.

Oh man I feel your pain, I lost count of how many times I sat on the bridge waiting for her to fly to me so I can agro her only to see her get aggroed by someone on the hill near the bridge.

Next expansion we get flying in draenor so that should help a bit.

it’s down the hill there a spot where he fly close to the ground even my bear can hit him without moonfire.

another wonderful job from dev’s at ignoring old content to be a constant griefing fest.

It spawns in mid air and I can kill it right there.

I mean if she is pulled the instant she spawns she doesn’t “fly” anywhere. She simply starts floating slowly to the ground and will die to DoTs before coming within range of the ground. I’ll have to go back and check to see if there’s an outcropping where you’re talking about but didn’t see one originally; seems like a good chance it also won’t be in range of a warrior or rogue.

oh that’s a bug been there for awhile.

Doubtful. They gave her the same spawn protection that Sha, Oondasta, etc get in Pandaria but didn’t think about how she actually spawns to either extend the timer or make her spawn on the ground.

It’s an oversight and why I made this thread here as opposed to bug reports.

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Oh I remember it it wiped the raid and his health never changed this was before they gave the protection .