Ruins of Taurajo

On my flight to Tanaris to hunt some centipaars I skimmed across the Southfury river, banked west at the Shrine of the Dormant Flame towards the Crossroads. Thoroughly enjoying the dragonriding in the old world I thought about how easy it would be to get the fire totem now. Hastily continued south and spotted a large gate west of Camp Taurajo. Moving towards the gate above the camp, the horror of what lie below hit me like an unladen swallow I was too slow to dodge.
The camp is in ruins. Looters everywhere, the tents set ablaze and my tauren brothers face down in the dirt. I killed 10 before I realized what I was fighting. Human dogs. Explains the lack of fight they put up as I decapitated, dismembered and dislodged their insides with my spear. How could such vile weaklings defeat the Tauren in the camp? Must have been a pre-emptive strike, shock and awe, probably hit them while they slept. Scum.
I have been away from the Barrens for too long. The North Watch scuttles around like the centipaar I was on my way to hunt. They’ll watch my spear enter their skulls!
Has it been this way since the Cataclysm?! My adventures have taken me so far away, I didn’t realize our home was burning.
We must reclaim our land. Humans in the barrens will be turned to dust.

wrong forum buddy, has nothing to do with hunter class discussion. try the story forum or general discussion. you can move your post by clicking ‘edit’ and then choosing the new forum in the drop down menu.


Cool read but yeah, RP forums are thataway :point_right:

MMM :hamburger: :hamburger: :hamburger: :hamburger: