Ruin "Gaming" and Nazjatar

I mean yeah for sure. See most the time I’m at a status now I have the youngsters handle stuff. But don’t get me wrong this old fool still throw down haha. And I’m no ese bro. More wood if ya dig :wink:

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Orale, I have some compas from the Woodpile.

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I’m married any type of physical touch is considered love in my book :sweat_smile:.

I think I did one with a couple of friends on Saturday. It was most likely me as I did quite a few BGs over the weekend.

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Yeah I know man. And yeah I thought it was u because the same name and it was a pally. I just remember fighting u in the market part

I usually look for for names I know and make them my kill target :cowboy_hat_face:.

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I mean u did have me targeted and I emoted u in it. That’s why I asked. And btw that massage was bomb. My first actual one done at a place that wasn’t some chick at home lol.

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I waved at u buddy <3

I saw, I figured u would hop right on here to post. So I came to look. Gratz on killing me though. How many it take? I saw atleast 30 or so of u. Lol

We’re playing different games. Yes, 1v1 is a necessary skill to develop, and can get you far. Social intelligence, however is something different. I challenge you to watch our stream and listen to how much fun I have with these guys.

Just watched you get NUKED at a box drop rofl

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Yes I literally just have proven your cheerleader dk responses to me for the last month or so wrong and that u guys are idiots that can only zerg and u know me. It’s funny u fell for the bait. If u think I care that it took 30 of u to nuke one arms warrior on map u are silly. I just wanted to show how much u guys do care about who I am and that u feel threatened on map :wink:

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And u don’t understand. I don’t even care about 1v1 but u literally can only pvp with multiple raids to lag a zone down with zero defense and claim a victory for it. My point has been proven tonight :slight_smile:

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Twisting the narrative to make yourself the winner. Wow that’s funny. I’ll duel you anytime, buddy.

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You zoned into the area with about 15 other horde on the portal… stop being delusional lmao.

Haha maybe there was 15 horde? Was I grouped with them? Nope. How many of u were there hmm? Lmao. So laggy people chat wasn’t even going through. U guys are weak and can’t do anything worth anything besides zerg a zone and stream it and brag about it am I right? But yeah I’m glad I have fans :wink: funny how u all swarm like I’ve always said just to get that hk on good ole papabear. Heck I bet half your guild has me as background for their comp screen lol

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Sure let’s duel

What’s your schedule?

I’m on now

Alright. You’d probably have better luck coming over to my phase. I share with Burning Legion and Sargeras. Got any friends who can phase you over?

I don’t even know what phase that is. U were here on the one I came into. So I guess figure it out?