**Rubs eyes and looks around**

*rubs eyes, waking up from a long sleep
The sounds of hammers hitting anvils ring out across Iron Forge. The molten lava glows and its warmth welcomes this Dwarf home. It’s good to be back.

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You’ve overslept I’m afraid. Nothing but bones and bitter old ghosts here. Fortunately, there are other Ironforges out there, all bustling with life. For the low low price of $25 USD, you can travel to one of them.

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If you woke up with pink eye, it was somebody else who farted on your pillow. Probably a gnome. Yeah, that’s it. A gnome…

Grins at Shanks No worries little fox, bones and bitter old ghosts can keep me company. $25 USD you say? To travel to another Ironforge? Humph. This one will do. Where else would I have received such a welcoming message that suggests I leave?

((It’s good to see that the ED forums are still rocking, thank you!))

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Winks at Senneca sniffs pillow Smells of Peace Bloom, no gnomish farts here. I appreciate your concern.
Settles back into her bed and drops back into slumber until maintenance is done.

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wriggles tongue

Mortignis rolls around in a coffin screaming in madness. He could leave at any time but he doesn’t want to.

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rips a rancid fart into Mort’s coffin and slams the lid shut while cackling madly and holding it closed There was no gnome, it was me the whole time! We called this the ol’ stranglethorn sauna back in the old days!

the coffin opens up with mortignis’ badass aimed at the goblin, he farts so hard a brown chaosbolt pops out

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Matrix dodges the brown streak as it goes ripping through the air at mach IV twords a certain sleeping dorf…

And they said ERP was dead! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Sounds like somebody wants to soak in the sauna. Grab his legs, Morty! I had a bowl of kodo chili for lunch and it’s talkin to me…

mortignis aims a small firearm from his casket

I’ve heard this story before, you’re trying to float me down the river!

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One eye cracks open from peaceful slumber
Karabrielle sits up and casts Blessing of Protection and smiles as the brown streak is deflected into the lava channel right outside her chambers door

Rouses herself up to have breakfast and check the days news. Seems Ironforge is awash in rumors of Magni being in a rough way…need to check that out.

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