RTS Horde > MMO Horde

That’s more of plot armor than anything. The Alliance has an orbital space ship since the end of Legion with a freaking laser cannon that can shoot from orbit and Lightforged Draenei call down a hit and the Alliance doesn’t use it? The Alliance finally using the Ankorite crystal defense grid to create force fields. Then they have the mech Vigilants who are empowered by the souls of the dead…

The Alliance then has all that hyper advanced tech from Mechagon and Gnomeregan, plus all the crazy golem tech from the Dark Irons. On paper the Alliance has magic space ships and air fortresses plus Jaina’s flying ship with arcane cannon balls. How is the Alliance not dominating the planet? Plot armor.

If the Alliance ever was able to muster all this advanced technology there wouldn’t be anyone who could oppose them except another Burning Legion or cosmic force like the Void attacking them. (which could happen) Still even if 20 murder hobos can somehow repel satellite guided missile attacks from gnomish satellites which we saw them used in the gnomish starting zone… The fact the Alliance has that at all should be at least again on paper an chekov’s gun just sitting to be used by the Alliance

No technology on the face of Azeroth can withstand a lecture from Anduin.


I mean, true, but that plot armor is a far better indicator of a character’s/faction’s success than that character’s/faction’s actual abilities.

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I think the problem is that the Alliance have all these incredible technology or access to magical realms like the dream and the favor or blessing of the One only active real god outside of the Light, however they not been written or integrated properly into the game story or any culture since its initial appearance and use in the in-game story beyond specific fantastic scenes. (IMO)

TO be fair to the Horde side Blood Elves and Nightborne joining hands alone if written accurately to their lore into the WoW story would not be far behind if not be equally advance or more if you take Suramar Raid Bosses and their Cosmic or Magical knowledge into account too as accessible to the Nightborne alone, can’t imagine what a union of all elves would even look like without thinking to the heights of the Highborne era before the whole Azshara and Legion stuff… and I don’t even need to mention the potential Forsaken have now that SL was explore as a nation and possible link to the after life and all surrounding that lore or what it can do to establish themselves and an official Necropolis Nation!
Who knows if Scholomance could, would be rehabilitated for all does who chose Necromancy or Undeath willingly as well as other Darker Arts under their Supervision or the Ebon Blades or Illidari etc. (IMO)

Tauren, Trolls and Orc have a similar if not more, untapped potential and unwritten development to their rich lore culture if we just focus on the supernatural side only that its woefully not even shown in their main cities or integrated in their culture with the exception of the Zandalari with their loa and their unique connection to the Elements or Nature.

Not even talking about the Vulpera or Goblins (can’t wait for Undermine!) and what other neutral races could bring to advance each faction tech and by default its allied nations cultures or unique tech.

TL;TR: The potential and its lore is there its just not been written, integrated or added to the in-game Story, completely or more visibly when not fighting stuff. (IMO)


Hopefully Thrall’s Kids would take the spotlight from Anduin and they lead the Horde story forward.

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Oh Anduin… the Alliance’s wet blanket. If only he allowed us to go all out, but hey! Every party needs a party pooper. That’s why we invited Anduin.

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Yeah, the grand total of Forsaken story in SL was telling Calia that Light necromancy was no different than Death necromancy (despite that being blatantly, observably false) and advice on vacuuming the blight.

YOU’D THINK the undead faction would have some investment in the death realm expansion, but it was more important that we call Bolvar a bad father or something.


I want them to call Anduin, Uncle Anduin

Think they just met by raising the dead. Raising the dead via magic, regardless of it, will raise the dead. There is a difference though, kinda. Maybe. Light necromancy came back in the dungeon and the lightbound undead just look like forsaken with yellow instead of purple

The Alliance also took over the refugee/fighting for survival thing. Every Alliance race except the dwarves has been made refugees within the last like 40 years of warcraft time.


The RTS Horde in the first 3 games is a bunch of demon-crazed genocidal Orcs. And the humans don’t have much characterization either.

In SL it might as well have been “SHUT UP, CALIA IS FORSAKEN!”

Am curious to know how the light zombies differ, because they don’t really say anything or dwell too much on it beyond pointing out it is bad.


Warcraft as a franchise took a nosedive as soon as WoW was released.

Some nelf lore is better than the original concepts but other than that, just about everything has gotten worse.


This is the dumbest thing folks get hung up on.
Malfurion is wildly powerful.
He isn’t immune to all damage.


lol my Alliance friends say he is the apology letter of the Alliance and some joke he being able to absolve all of Alliance sins and accountability.

However, one of my Alliance buddy, is not happy with Maraan and how characters like her can stain the heroic appearance Alliance, he is also worried about the Arathi too. Anduin and Jaina being front and center has been a paradise for him… Then again he would prefer Jaina being a Dreadlord before she is written to have guilt or feel any accountability for the Purge so he must be a unique case I guess! :rofl:

Ahhh! Why you had to open that wound… DK and DH din’t even get a Mourn Sword or Glaive of their own even as we save the Primus!!!
I do admit the Light undead is a unique but strange concept… Specially when you take in consideration how the Light has been such an instrumental weapon against the forces of Undeath… We did get a dungeon that further supports this Light undeath… but I still have so many questions: “Like how do you fight them? With Shadow or Fel?” etc.

No comment on the Bolvar er… father situation… that was so… nvm. Lost a quite a few of my friends in SL who were fans of that character… they playing other stuff now. :sweat_smile:

Still you made a good point… it was truly one of the many epic miss opportunities in SL… I still love those maps, world building and still farming some transmogs from time to time, but man those were not great times for the WoW main story moving forward. (IMO)

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Over the trilogy, the Orcs went on a “Villain to Hero” arc. Starting with 1 where they were pure evil, then in 2 there were internal struggles, and by 3 they were the goods guys.

The Alliance also went on sort of reverse version of that, what with Arthas going nuts and turning Lordaeron into a zombie kingdom, and Garithos. But you still had human heroes like Jaina.


I’m sorry. I’ll show myself out.


Any zombie is a light zombie if one applies enough flames to them. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Sorry…I’ll also see myself out

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Seems kinda dumb to me that every cosmic force is expressed through a type of magic, but any type of magic can do what Death magic is supposed to do.


This right here is the biggest reason you can toss Warcraft’s cosmology into the garbage bin. They spent so much time building and categorizing light this, life that. Battles between godlike beings who are diametrically opposed…

And then someone in the back of the room is like, “Hey, I put light on a zombie. Light and Zombies are enemies, but now they’re friends for my special zombie. Cool right?”

And the whole task is null and void, no matter how much they scramble to imply it totally works. See, you either explain your magic as something wonderous and unpredictable, or you impose borders and limitations on it. But you can’t go back and forth between the two on a whim, without the nerds losing their buy-in and rolling their eyes.

Like how “Domination” magic was this bizarre attempt to explain why Necromancers can control the undead they make which had never been questioned before—we just assumed it came with the necromancy package.

I mean, when Jaina summons a Water Elemental, they seem to obey her implicitly despite her not needing any sort of super-arcanum distinct magic to explain it.

Heck, if Thrall summons a Water Elemental as a Shaman, we know that Shaman barter with their elementals, so that implies that Jaina enslaves Water Elementals to her whims while Thrall and the rest of the Shaman are negotiating fair terms between the two parties.

Boy that must be uncomfortable for Thrall—a former slave—to watch his best-gal-pal Jaina just commit slavery in front of him on a whim. I wonder how much pain he’s hiding behind those tusks when he smiles at her.