RSV is dead, long live MMSV and MSV

Okay hear me out. While not in the alpha, nor admittedly having time to do so, I like to check in on what’s going on. Since this blocks me from the Alpha forums, I am tossing this out here.

I like that the Devs are flexing to give some of us old RSV hunters some love, but I think they are going the wrong way on it. I actually like MSV, having an Unholy DK alt since Wrath, I know how to play around with a melee pet and AI. And a lot of the abilities of MSV are real fun. Give my dwarf alt an axe and a bear and life feels good. So that’s my wobbly position.

From playing around with the talent trees, I gotta say, you can have from my point of view, 95% of old school RSV with the MM tree, the only thing missing is Black Arrow. Lock and Load is over there, Multi Shot, Volley, Improved Steady shot, Improved Focus and all the cool toys toys of MM. And you get to have a bunch of those like we did with the original trees.

The SV tree should have more maneuverability, flexibility and real Survival enhancing talents. A couple of cool melee pet talents would go a long way, as in solo you want a real tanky pet, and in group a beasite that is just a straight up killer. Like a feral Druid. :smile_cat:

As someone who misses RSV since it got gutted in WoD, it looks like I get most of my spec back. It may not have the title, a rose by any other name, I have a good feeling about this.

Give the melee guys some love, I think it is close to where it could be, that danger close tag team of master and pet.

Well that’s my 2¢.

If someone in Alpha sees this feel free to copy paste it over yonder.

Rolling Dice in Anger since 1980



Cow goes moo


Im not against melee survival but MM is not at all similar to old ranged survival, it might share some name of abilities and passives but none if them work at all like old survival.


It takes very little to offer the old SV gameplay through MM though.
ES replacing aimed as an option, serpent spread being a thing in the generic tree and black arrow as a new node.


Dont get me wrong i would love that but they need to make it work with their other talents aswell. I think the most realisitc thing they can do is make a instant version of aimed shot or atleast make it castable while moving, while far from a full solution i think it would atleast give back some of that feeling of freedom of movment that survival had.

Well let me quote myself again :smile: :

This took me only 5 minutes.


And its (current mm) nothing like Pre legion MM either. Having 1 100% moble ranged spec is more than enough imo. Unless you can think of a way to give ranged survival things to make it stand still.

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Survival being a Melee in the grit of it with a pet working together to kill your foe sounds like an awesome fantasy. The current execution of it is the epitome of the “expectation VS reality” meme. When I play Surv, there’s nothing that makes me feel like I’m working with my pet. It is only there to empower me, my focus, and enable me to use my Wildfire Bombs. There is no synergy between the pet and hunter and that is one of the problems.

Maybe if there was some sort of ability or mechanic you could use where when you hit with a RS/MB on a target, it like Hunter’s Mark them. You can then use KC or another ability and it will pounce on the Marked Targets in quick succession and consume the mark for extra damage.

Just something to make it feel like we’re actually working together and the pet is bringing something to the table other than only MoAr FoCuS 4 mE

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Oh absolutlet, i just dont think there is any hope they will bring back the old playstyle so i’d rather take what is possible.

Kinda disagree, currently there isnt really any trade off between BM being more mobile and MM being more stationary. Which ever is best tends to lean more on other parts of their kits than mobility so i would rather just have mobility back to MM. I’d also like it back since they are going hard on BM being a Zoo master instead of a beast master so im losing alot of intresst even if mechanicly their tree looks quite good.

Dont think we will see a ranged survival so best hope is getting something from it implemented into MM, which itself is big hurdle

This I absolutely agree with, a few more pet options for MSV to get you more interested in it. Unholy lets you buff Timmy, use him as a health potion and he used to blow up. But how do you buff the pet that would and should be in the BM tree.