Veng seems good or very good, but I think that’s just the rework being overtuned because they’re committing war crimes in keys right now. Bear does nothing and is terrible. Protection Paladin just had its healing gutted too much.
Brew also probably really good but we lost our full mastery/vers crafted gear so might be a while until it’s back in a decent spot.
Brew was weird in that it had high sustained, high burst and lots of anti-physical abilities and couldn’t take physical damage, so yeah, they’d pull apart most physical lineups.
Blood kind of stinky in that it can’t contribute too much to some of these, similar thing with bear. Like, they don’t take physical damage, but can’t do much about helping their team, as opposed to prot or brew that sort of prevent team from dying to anything physical.
I’ve played it a lot, but was hard stuck at like 1700 first week. After rethinking my strategy I broke 1800 and haven’t Qd since. There’s a dude with 4 set who is 1950 atm.
good joke u play every tank
just the ones you ‘main’ were the same cr as brm and veng just had other people with pulses playing them so the cutoff was higher no?