Rss and 3s playing in the same pool idea

fact everyone here doesn’t heal it means rss dampening is no go.

I really think something like this or simply removing other rated pvp modes is the correct choice. It’s far from perfect but with such a small population they really should encourage everyone to be on the same ladder.

It would honestly make for a better environment to find actual arena partners as you are doing actual arena, and encourage people to ask the players they are actually playing arena with if they would like to que with them and branch out from there.

Solo/duo que would obviously be at a disadvantage vs a full premade but naturally premade groups would get pushed mid to top end of ladder and solo/duo mostly low/mid, meaning the majority of the time premade is probably queing against premade.

With the increased total population size on the same ladder it would naturally inflate to a point where solo/duo que players were more than capable of getting their cosmetic rewards and hopefully encourage/embolden them enough to seek teamates to play with to push further if they are interested in the competition/title rewards.

Change glad back to a % title, can leave the cosmetic stuff at the current ranks.

always thought this was a stupid rebuttal

most teams under 2200 are playing without voice

dynamic solo q would have been an incredible way to get people sitting in lfg into games to meet people to potentially climb with as a premade once the penalty of the randomness is actually insurmountable
(much higher than 97% of this forum plays at in any bracket)

instead we’re 9 community fragments deep with no end in sight


Who cares, in his idea they wouldn’t be compared to each other on a ladder anyways.

Remi beat me to it.

They wouldn’t be on the same leaderboard, but they would be directly competing.

If they aren’t on the same leaderboard they aren’t competing for ladder spots, it’s the only thing that really matters.

It’s really not

It really is, the best reward comes from ladder ranking. The CR rewards would be even easier with how naturally inflated both brackets mmr would become due to the player pool activity. Probably would have to adjust the rating requirements tbh, or just go back to % based rewards again and fix all the problems.

ITT those who would benefit most from being fed free cr from random teams think its a good idea

I guess you didn’t see

Don’t worry I’ll show it again. Not that it matters because everyone would see inflated brackets due to a massive influx of activity.

%based rewards would mean less people at rival to get rewards, which wouldn’t actually fix any issues for the common man

Debatable, more people playing = more rewards for every bracket regardless of ratings. This is a great idea for everyone.

I play ENH im down

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Let me understand where you are coming from

Your rebuttel is that another team would lose in pvp? Is that the premise?

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It’s more that premade comps on voice should eat random comps with no voice.

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They don’t already though at the ratings that the people who are complaining about them play at.

And this is a problem why?

mead #1331 add me and lets que

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Another day of saying this is the only viable answer. Stop fragmenting this small playerbase.

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Haha alright I’m down :rofl: