RSQBB long queue time?

15 minutes, what the heck? I never saw anything longer than 6 or 7 minutes in prepatch. Why have you sabotaged your own gamemode with this horrible queue time? This is why I don’t do regular Solo Shuffle and now this one is just as bad.

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My first queue was 16 minutes estimated time. Every other one after was 2 minutes estimated and popped very quickly.

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People are still earning conquest or doing the War Mode activities.

How is Blizzard responsible for sabotage?

Yes, this is exactly what happened for me too. It was interesting that my first game, everyone had 0 rating, my second game, everyone had the 192 or whatever you get for your first win. So I think they’re doing matchmaking so that everyone’s first game is together, and all second-game-winning players also play together? Thus leading to longer queue times.

2 min queues for me as WW monk now.

I had the exact same experience with the ratings. Only starting with my third match were the ratings mixed.

Ah, well perhaps I spoke too soon, then.

Pretty much been insta Ques as Prot.

Yeah, the queue times can be horrible. Sometimes it takes 16-20mins and other times it takes 1-3mins. No reason it should take more than 5 minutes to get into a match, especially when most of the time it feels like your on a team full of undergeared bots.

My first queue of the night was 18 minutes and then all my other queues only took 1-3 minutes.

Very odd, but seems to be consistent with what others are experiencing.


Oh, those are short queues.
My last queue popped at the 3 hour mark.