Good evening!
I took a short break for the last patch due to a real life issue but I’m back now and looking for a place to make friends to raid and do keys. Mostly looking to knock out heroic each week and to do 10ish keys , with a stable group I’m open to pushing as high as we can. I’ve gotten at least AOTC most seasons, and portals for most seasons as well. I’m not really looking to go into mythic raids unless its just for vault. I’m currently maining resto Shaman right now but I’m not against other healers (have raiding/keyed with MW,HPAL,RDruid) if they are viable for raiding and keys.
I am not looking to be a swing healer, or a fill in healer just incase “bob” doesn’t show up. I’m looking to heal raids and for a stable-ish key group that needs a healer. No offence intended, I enjoy healing and that’s all I really plan to do.
Thanks for reading!