Rsham is too powerful

Nobody can die until I am oom(healed a game until 9 minutes without drinking) and every ns healing wave is a 0 mana lay on hands.

I am glad rsham is finally viable again but we are going to be in for a gigadamp mana contest meta if this spec doesn’t get looked at.


Think u got too used to playing an F tier spec that it somehow seems like you’re insanely busted when you’re simply finally performing at the required level which many healing specs have had the privilege of being in for the past few expansions.

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Rshaman finally viable and people lose their minds.


Healers are way too powerful right now… Too much 10%-100% healing instantly.

It feels like we are back into legion s7. I am seeing 3-4min shuffle rounds regularly and that was rare before.

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Yeah I tried to say this and then got told that i was wrong and dumb because rsham was fine for the first time in like 10 years or something.


Noooo leave us pandas alone. I wouldn’t mind slight tuning to their heals. The issue with that though is blizzard never nerfs rshams reasonably or lightly.

It’s not like disc priest where tomorrow’s “nerfs” are not really nerfs considering how negligible they are. For rshams: “oh, rshams are a bit overtuned and might need a slight adjustment?”

Healing surge now heals for 30% less

Healing Wave now heals for 25% less

Earthshield stacks are now consumed 30% faster and heal for 30% less

A new talent for restoration shaman has been added to replace ascendance: eternal subterfuge:: transform into an eternal being, increasing all healing by 5% and allowing the use of Earthshield on a 3rd target. Lasts 12 seconds- 3 minute cooldown. *we felt that ascendance was too powerful in healing people. This should help shaman feel like the mediocre healer they should be as per our vision for resto

Ancestral Swiftness now scales to 50% for both healing wave and surge we felt that ancestral swiftness was too strong and players used that button as a one-all solution. This should encourage a more diverse set of cooldown usage

Riptide healing increased by 3% this should help ensure our vision that riptide is the only heal shamans should press. For balance

Post on your main. Show us all how you’re a disc priest. Oh, you won’t do that. You have something to hide. Obviously.

2 posts defending rsham ye

For once, let’s try a season where all of the healers feel op in their own way. Make the role capable of being quarterback. It should feel like pve tanking where the character feels kind of overpowered in its role, but still very necessary to have the playbook memorized if that makes sense.

Right now healer is like playing left tackle or goalie. You can be a really good one but a lot of your best time is going to be wasted playing with random teammates if that’s the environment you’re put in. The random modes will be a lot more fun if there isn’t as much of an undesirable position that someone has to pick.

bolt has played rsham consistently for like a decade lol

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Bleesorc will rise again!

Are they too powerful or are warlocks just to weak?

rage bait c