Hey there! Here’s our recruitment post rather than the copy/paste from recruitment: [H] 8/9M <Tyrannosaurus Rekt> Horde - Hyjal, TH/Sun/M, 7-10PST, LF DPS + Healer! - #10 by Astheria-hyjal
Heads up: Thursday isn’t a full raid night for us - we use that to clear bosses considered on farm, so we tend to end early that day. It’s so that we can have one day that’s more “relaxed”, while keeping Sunday/Monday more focused.
We would happily take you as resto or ele - we do have one shaman of each spec on the roster right now, but one of our 3 shamans (who was our swing resto/ele) wants to raid a bit more and wants to step away.
In terms of raging - it does happen, but we’re generally very quick to reign it in. I’ve downright demoted officers that I found were raging at raiders or throwing profanities around. There’s a difference between raging and being firm.
We’re specifically looking for another raid healer (though we do have preference to resto druid, as ours would like to swap to HPal) and ~2 DPS to bolster our ranks. Definitely bonus points for reading logs - I think you’d be a fantastic fit.
Please feel free to reach out to me either over discord (Calli#4308) or BNet (Calligraphy#11260). And if you don’t choose my guild, good luck in your search!