Rpers! How you can benefit from warmode

Wow! I did not know you got a +15% exp bonus! Next time I rp, I will make sure to use war mode!


See I have to get my fix of killing alliance scum before the factions dissovle, so here we are

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Generalizations that fuel the young.

There are plenty of “alliance” I’d prefer to bury over a random horde I’ve never encountered before. I’m sure there are plenty of your faction’s veterns that know exactly what I’m talking about.

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hey if you see a terrible RPer in Stromwind, you let me know and I’ll be there to stop the atrocity from continuing

I think I killed you a number of times. And between the rage logs and ninja logs so you escape death I don’t think your the authority to tell people to flag up for wm just to kill a few low lvs. You can carry on back to your hole now.


Why do people think I log off? That sounds like a huge pain and it’s not the case at all. It’s called phasing. Also I’ve smoked several 120s 1v1 in your city while you tavern RP.

yes because 1v1 is soooooo important now and days. Pats face See you around honor bate

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He’s a known Troll. All he does is go around ganking lowbies who have warmode on and whenever any pressure comes up he abuses phases.

Still kind of funny on how bad he is though.


Checked his profile>honourable kills and was kinda surprised at how low they were, considering this thread.

Oh well, I’ll continue to enjoy warmode/pvp mode occasionally and ignore his existence (unless I see him in game, then I’ll def try and turn him into dust).

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We camped this guy until he bubble hearthed to Dalaran and logged off from the game, last night. It’s not easy taking L’s that fat but I guess he has plenty of practice. :smirk: :kissing_heart:


*Oh will you look at that…I feel a twinge coming on bud. Perhaps after work I’ll see if I am requiring entertaintment. And joy of all joys…I get to do so for a whole new audience. Even though MG is my alliance server I rarely have reason to check the forums here. Thank you for rectifying that boyo.

I’d go for a scrap*

When you have nothing better to do than make an alt on a RP server, level it to max, and then gank low level players and troll the forums just because you think RP’ers are weird and claim someone else lives ‘vicariously’.

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Well, now you are just straight up hurling insults. Report and move on. I’ve been ignoring this guy for a while now, and I can’t believe the rest of you haven’t caught on he just wants attention.

Get a better transmog and pvp in more than just 1500s 2s matches, then maybe that’ll be taken seriously. :rofl:


I’m not surprised he chose the Forsaken mog. It fits his personality well.

I only post on your threads to tell people to stop feeding you, and that’s it.

Actually, I did take my kidney medication today, thank you very much.

Point of order:

Xmogs mean everything.


Sup Allison!

I was there last night when we tortured this scrub :joy::ok_hand:

We basically started to make Soljeron cry because we reversed trolled this scrub.


Screenshot of us camping him in the middle of the ocean. The lad tried getting away from us by going deep underwater but everytime he tried to come back we’d stunlock him and just clap him. LOL

He eventually gave up when he tried to take rez sickness at the GY because he thought he could get away from Hawthorne but we SPAWN CAMPED the GY he was taking rez sickness at too :joy:

For the Alliance!


I am so proud of this community.

Let’s do this every night, please.