[RP] Writing Prompt - Week 1

I would like to start posting a writing prompt each week for folks to flex their creative writing juices, and possibly share something about their character/s they wouldn’t otherwise get the chance to.
These will be simple little prompts, that you should be able to do fairly quickly.
I will try to post a new prompt every Wednesday.

This Weeks:

How did your character feel when it first saw the Shadowlands?
Does it change any of their beliefs?
Was it the afterlife they were expecting?

ED Discord: https://discord.gg/b5aYh89


Raises a pint of stout



Leave it tae a Doggo!

Bottoms up!


Llu didn’t believe in the afterlife.

So seeing the Shadowlands would make him uneasy, for sure. To see that after your life is over, youre judged on it, and placed somewhere for eternity… and the places he’s able to see, are awful, would freak him out.

Who knows, maybe he’ll look in to trying to live forever now…


Tha frick’s a “shadowland”??


Doc has never actually feared death as to be enamored by prospects of studying the veil that separates this life from the next and the interaction of the Light and the Void. Doc was actually eager to see what the Shadowlands would bring, but after the horrors of the maw, he was sorely disappointed in the bright amnesia that is Bastion. Doc was quite at a loss trudging through Bastion until he made his way to Maldraxxus. Upon seeing all the Necrolords had to offer, Doc found himself at home to explore and experiment to his hearts content.

Maldraxxus has everything, a world made up of body parts, fellow “scientists” always on an endeavor to push the boundaries of knowledge (and ethics), as well as a whole abomination factory to build to his hearts content. And as an added bonus, those he left in Bastion could become potential customers for body modification as they already change from their worldly forms to big, winged, blue, bipedal beings. Surely these Ascended would like to stand out from one another with an extra appendage or two as well as some upgrades to their winds. Additionally, these beings are known for their short memories so would easily be repeat customers. Now, to set up a trade route and build trust after all that mess in the Necrotic wake. Doc is up to the challenge.


Aeriara had built up a belief system regarding the afterlife that was completely shattered by the revelation of the Shadowlands. She had dealt with the loss in her life with a reassurance that they would be together again and it’s become clear to her that that’s far from the truth. She’s had a really hard time with coping and processing information that she never should have known about until it was time, and is still working through that on her own.


Coming from a family of priests, Pragus was trained in use of the Light to heal and to harm at an early age. He developed his proficiency more through the genes of his family and extensive practice rather than through books and study. Arriving in the Shadowlands piqued his curiosity for a moment!

How does the Light interact with the Shadowlands? Is this really the path the Light would want souls to take?

Then, as he looked around Oribos, he noticed an entryway with carvings in the stones of giant frothy mugs. He immediately forgot about all his philosophical wonderings and instead began wondering how the ale was in the Shadowlands.

It turned out that there was no ale sold in the Oribos tavern. Why the giant frothy mug?! Rubbish.


Thrinn has not yet seen the Shadowlands, she’s still exploring the wilds of outland (questing through retail bc content), she’s only heard stories and whispers from returning people in taverns the few times she visits cities back on Azeroth. Generally, Thrinn views the afterlife agnostically. She is aware of described gods and goddesses, there are many people, to her knowledge that say they have been helped by the gods or by a single higher power and so feels that it might be foolish to assume there isn’t anything else waiting for her. If she can die and be brought back many times by allies or sometimes by guardian spirits in strange graveyards, why shouldn’t there be something else?


Tui never wanted to deal with the dead. Her completely legitimate profession, pilfering commodities from graves, used to be simple! Show up, dig a bit, take what she wanted (she wanted all of it), and make it look like she was never there. Easy peasy! Until, the spirit of one of her “benefactors” cursed her to always see the ghosts from graves that she robbed! So prior to entering the Shadowlands, Tui was plagued with spirits following her around: nagging, complaining, asking for their stuff back… so ANNOYING! Shadowlands provided a new venture and turned out to be a huge relief. Take that, curse!

As soon as she entered Maldraxxus, she formulated a plan… a horribly wonderful plan, where she convinced these spirits to leave her alone if she could get them a new body. So these days, she spends her time going between acquiring coveted goods from the grave and stitching up bodies for those spiteful spirits to inhabit. It’s not pretty, but she enjoys the work! Now, it doesn’t seem quite as crazy when she’s seen talking to an abomination. Though it’s still unknown outside the Shadowlands if she is speaking with spirits or just arguing with herself.


For a priest gretix always knew that there must have been something trying to keep those souls of her party that she fought to keep alive. The afterlife wasn’t so much as a surprise as how almost orderly parts of it were. Wandering through bastion and the rest reaffirmed one thing at the very least, there was absolutely a ton of coin in lying about how bad it is to the poor patients that she treats!


When you grow up around undead dudes, death knights, and spiritual magic of all kinds, figuring out that there’s an afterlife really isn’t that exciting.

What IS exciting, is that there’s a whole afterlife of people who make it their mission to make money. These Brokers are a lot like them ethereals you run into from time to time, except … dead? Are they really dead?

One things for sure — they know a bargain and they’ve got a lot of stuff for the taking. Maybe Heaven is real after all.


Great entries so far! A couple more days before we get a new prompt.


Last day! New prompt tmrw.

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