Good evening. Tonight, I can report to the free Emerald Dream people and to Azeroth that Imperial Shock Troopers have conducted an operation to locate and destroy realm traitors.
It was nearly a month ago that the grand betrayal of Emerald Dream began, brought forth by dark and sinister forces both at home and abroad. The destruction wrought by these forces has been seared into our realm memory.
Despite this, our realm has come together. Imperial citizens have offered aid to the less fortunate of our great realm, once more reaffirming the core principle that all of us are a part of Free Emerald Dream.
It is this core principle that motivated the deployment of Imperial shock troops to foreign lands. I am happy to announce that justice has been served.
It is with great pride and honor that I keep The Imperial Shock Troops alive during any and all conflicts that occur. Especially those against The Rogue Dreamers.
The people cry out for liberation and Warsong shall answer!
There is no greater honor, no greater service, than to be an Imperial Shock Trooper. For every Chaos bolt I throw, for every enemy I conflagrate, I know it is for the greater good. For there is nothing more noble than slaying Rogue Dreamers.
Gramuul murmured brief prayers to An'she, beseeching her aid in destroying the foes attempting to assassinate his recently acquainted allies. Summoning the arcane energies she bestowed, the druid released the forces of wind to wrap themselves around one of his new tribe's enemies. The raging cyclone lifted the foe off their feet and foisted a shield of fierce winds around them, preventing them from doing anything.
Moments later, as the fight concluded, the other tribesmen circled around Gramuul. He began to preen in expectant congratulations.
"Don't clone the kill target, bro."