RP Warmode Dead

might as well disable it.

for one they need to put tichon on their own little island and stop allowing them to be everywhere. Second, they need to balance out factions. Alliance outnumbers horde 5to1 90% of the time and it’s mostly because they refuse to fix racials in pvp.

If all the people asking for WM in spinoff junk like MoP remix just played WM on retail couldn’t they have their fun?


It doesn’t work that way.

I toggle Warmode and do a lap around current content, it’s dead. I don’t want to play in a dead shard so I toggle it off.

Then you toggle on Warmode, do a lap, you don’t see me because I just toggled it off 30 seconds ago, so you toggle it off for the same reason.

Probably depends on your server cluster or w/e.
I’ve not really had any trouble finding people out in the world this expansion.
Carry some humanoid tracking food because everyone is flying at 850% speed at different elevations. It helps you actually chase people down and whirling surge them.
Check wpvp daily quests, Ruby life pools / Wingsrest Embassy, grand hunt, catalyst thingy at tyrhold.

Durotar and goldshire have also been extremely active throughout this entire expansion for me.

Yeah it’s annoying how people phase out of existence when crossing zone boundaries sometimes. And people can abuse sharding to just phase out of combat if they are about to lose. But I haven’t experienced a shortage of wpvp.

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Yep. The humanoid tracking food is: Blackened Worg Steak from WotLK. Do a daily (maybe two) and you can buy. You will need Northern Spices and Worg Haunch. You can buy those on AH pretty cheap last I checked.

Can’t spot druids with that though. Buuuut, there is beast tracking food from WotLK too.

Have fun!

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I don’t understand why you’d not just have it on all the time? If all people desiring wPvP just leave their WM on 100% of the time they’ll find some action. Then you all just have to bug blizz to fix/lessen the sharding. But a lot of WM people don’t get that most players don’t care to be gank bait so they have no interest.

I just take like 2min to do the orgrimmar cooking daily for spices a few days a month. Worg Haunch is ezpz to gather from a cave in the middle of storm peaks. It takes like 10min to have enough tracking food for several months.

I think their problem is that doing stuff in war mode feels isolating because you just don’t see nearly as many people doing quests / world events. Which I kind of get. If you’re gonna do the big dig, it’s nice to have like 20+ other people there instead of zero.


Yeah, the only time I ever turned warmode off is if I needed a large group for something, such as a world raid boss or an event that’s more efficient with more people.

war mode on is not a good idea. they overpopulate the people here in cross realm. this is the problem why.

As long as there are stealth classes that can wtfpwn you out of stealth, the number of people who play warmode in an open world pvp environment will be minimal.

Especially in this game where rogues can reset the fight numerous times or flat out escape and there is nothing you can do about it.

Nothing Blizzard can do about it other than nerf the heck out of those stealth classes.

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Ohh yeah that’s the way to do i! Gather it yourself 100%!. I completely agree, also, it makes the game more fun.

I mentioned AH as it can be got there, and some don’t like to gather stuff…and that is fine too.

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OK, I think WM is dead mainly because most people don’t want to participate, not because of sharding.

it’s really not dead though

Because that requires me to be willing to play in a dead shard, hoping others will think as I do and leave it on.

It doesn’t work without really high populations plus sharding trchnology. RP realms alone, do not have enough population.