At long last…the Horde can…FINALLY HAVE CHAIRS!
WoWHead: https://www.wowhead.com/item=199554/s-e-a-t
At long last…the Horde can…FINALLY HAVE CHAIRS! Here is my review of the NEW chair toy!
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Toy is an item that comes from Dragonflight Engineering, the salvaging tree. You have a random chance of finding one when salvaging scrap.
Toy places a chair on the ground that a player character can sit on and use.
The S.E.A.T. will spawn behind the player character placing the toy.
Players aside from the user can see and interact with the chair, and do not need to be in the same party or raid to do so.
The chair has a good range, and will remain in place even when a player is at 40 yards away from it.
1 type of chair model.
Chair lasts 5 mins, has 5 min cooldown.
The only thing I can say that I want? Different model options, and it to last as long as 10 mins or until I stand up.

But does it have a cup holder attachment? 
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I just don’t get the long cooldown on toys that don’t really affect the game other than … sitting… I mean 5 minutes!!!
Like the concept just the long cooldown makes it a downer. At least the duration is as long as the cooldown … so I guess its is kind of a wash…
It lasts 5 mins, and has a 5 min cooldown. I wish it was 10 mins, or that it lasts so long as a person was using it. That it vanished once you stood up.
I can understand cool downs on some of the toys that give a slight PvP advantage but the purely RP toys just just be toggle-on/toggle-off without cool downs.
[EDIT] Oh yeah and another thing that needs to be changed is toys being geographically locked. I can get why in a current expansion you wouldn’t want some toys to work because they change the exploration mechanics or give an undue advantage in PvE, but once the current expansion becomes a past expansion geographically locked toys shouldn’t apply anymore.
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I find ease of accessibility to be a very important consideration when it comes to toys. So how easy is this toy to get Banshih?
I bought mine from the AH, it is obtained from the Engineering profession in Dragonflight.
I don’t see a console to control play of dramatic theme music. What’s the point in being one of the elite few allowed to sit in a chair if you can’t have dramatic music to heighten the sense of your own importance?
A real engineer would think of these things…
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Finally, something strong enough to hold a tauren. Probably.
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I feel like a 10 min duration would be better. No cool down needed as long as the previous one vanishes.
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