So you want to be evil eh?
Think you have what it takes to be the worst of the worst? But what does it mean to be evil?
To role play that which you want to be. One is willing to do what ever it takes for their own pursuit of power, be it wealth, influence, or just plain control.
The methodology behind it varies depending on your characters back story. But to simplify this. Talk i defer to roleplaying alignment chart.
In this chart there is a school of principle and the other is the school of morality.
School of principle is based around laws be it by way of how they view laws.
Lawful: feel laws are important and should be follow out of respect. Because the alternative is chaos.
Neutral: laws are not absolute, are left to interpritation. Will break a law but only when it can be justified.
Chaotic: Rules were only put in place to subjugate others. Life is freedom, laws only bog us down to the mundane do what feels natural to you.
Next is the school of morality, it is based on any creatures sense of right and wrong. Empathy or Entertainment.
Good: you dislike suffering and want to help out in anyways possible.
Neutral: Good and Evil are all relative, if someone is good to me, im good to them. If they are bad to me, bad to them.
Evil: its about survival of the fittest, there is little room for compassion, do what it takes to be on top.
So with that being said.
We need to look at the reality of the world we are in. What makes a character go evil?
Easiest way? Old god corruption. But as we have seen before even those of light can be corrupted by the power of order. Believing they are doing good because they are dogmatic in their beliefs.
Prime example the Scarlet Crusade or to be more recent, The Light Forged. While it doesnt seem evil to devout individuals of the light, they take lives recklessly and without mercy. How they view themselves vs how they actually are is very different.
Character example:
The youngest of Yseras brood decides to charge himself with crusade for his mother and the planet. Since dragons dont have their immortality anymore, one can not just overtly attack the races of the world. But no. He needs to be smarter.
For to him. His kind was charged to protect and maintain balance of nature. But the sentient creatures fight with each other while the world dies.
Rather than kill he would rather focus on changing minds to his cause. Where he knows it might make people uncomfortable to live like they should in nature, but to him the preservation of all life on the planet comes first.
the over the top twirling mustache villains or even people like the joker who do it for the lols, they are just too few as they are generally twisted and way to catoony to really exist in a large population.
To sum up:
Villains tend to have motivations either subconcious or overtly on the surface of what they want. Which is power. How they proceed to do so tends to either be hidden by good intentions, or through dark acts be it in the shadows or very rarely straight up murder. but the latter is rarer than the former.
I hope this helps you guys get ideas on how to role play an evil character.