Another more smaller letter would arrive, but this time solely to the Clan Battlehammer Headquarters. The would say the following:
If King Bruenor has scared to challenge me. Perhaps we should settle this in the ancient way. His finest champion, against me. A duel to the death.
Shanhaijin great hunter of the Pandaren people.
((I'm just trying to kill off Shanhaijin ;P
but maybe making it eventful :p))
Come face me you coward...………….
I will accept your duel...………
Time and Place of my choosing...…………….
Gallywix Pleasure Palace...………….11/10 at 3am
Silly Huntard should know the only way to fight Bruenor is to arrive at Ironforge en masse as you shan't find him alone...............catch them lining up during RP and after you fight off the Hammers in a Battle then and only then if he doesn't log might you face him in your fantasy death...............
just saying..............
(( Man some names I remember from the old days! Boremor, Bruenor and Scruffy! You guys were always out wpvp'ing with KoTE. We had some amazing times for sure. Scruffy I remember actually joined us for a short while when I was leading the Calvary in the Kingship. Awesome to see you guys))
(( And just to prove I am not crazy or lying, here is one of the old wpvp events we set up back then))
((The Clan back in the day still representing wpvp. Always down for a fight regardless the odds!))
11/08/2018 07:14 PMPosted by
(( Man some names I remember from the old days! Boremor, Bruenor and Scruffy! You guys were always out wpvp'ing with KoTE. We had some amazing times for sure. Scruffy I remember actually joined us for a short while when I was leading the Calvary in the Kingship. Awesome to see you guys))
Not Sure who KoTE was - maybe they were they the elitist self pro claimed demi gods of ED......not sure as my memory is foggy from the ale...……..serve one help but dang sure I remember KOTN...…….Kingship of the North...….………..those were the days......true RP group that was...…………..LONG LIVE KOTN...………...woot woot
(all in good taste and tongue in cheek...…….so please relax...…………)
just saying...……………