RP Through the Expansions

Hello there! My friend and I are both new to the game but we both would like to do a super plot of sorts roleplaying through the expansions. We’re aware of some the hurdles that may take place such as exp gain, needing a solid group for dungeons, and some other stuff, which is why I’d like to reach out and see if there’s anyone interested in joining us! We’re starting with TBC. Both Blood Elf Mages and searching for another DPS, a tank, and a healer to accompany us and tell some fun stories!


We’re both NA EST times, looking to run around 12-5pm most days. Saturday nights are not available. There may be days we run earlier/later depending on availability.

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I go by the Kings calander for aging my characters. For example, Sadgati was born in 590. Current year is 634 putting her at 44 years old.

I love this, it’s something that I’ve always wanted to do! The times you’re looking at are right in my work day, but I wish you two so much luck and fun!