[RP] The <Order of the Lamb>

This group looks really cool. Definitely need to talk to you all about the outer circle.


Wardom is super cool.

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Ever since I first saw the IC book these guys released, I’ve always been curious. If I’m ever around SW, I’ll have to look you up :eyes:

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Wonderful group. Good to see it back! Wishing you the best in your grand re-opening!


Very pleased to welcome many new members <3

If you are looking to get in contact in-game, we’ll be at the GA recruitment fair tonight in Northshire!

So THIS is the group that’s been stealing the bones of my victims down in the Tram. I knew it was some shadow organization that was after my precious trinkets!

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Holiday bump. We may all be getting coal this Winter’s Veil, but the real presents this year were the fiends we made along the way.

I hope you get the cat treats you want Wardom.

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