The night sky was filled with stars as the orc sat at his campfire he had set up in the barrens. The fire cracked and popped as the wood was engulfed in flames. It was a quiet night under the star filled sky, which Ressek Ironjaw had always enjoyed since being a young orc. The clan he was raised in, the Warsong clan, had always been nomadic, and making a camp under the stars had always been a second home for him.
Ressek spotted something moving in the dark abyss of night. He quickly jumped to his feet and grabbed a stick that was beside him, as he did, he heard a howl, loud and deep coming from a powerful wolf. Ressek stood firm ready for an attack. The shadow charged the orc, leaping into the air and knocking Ressek onto his back pinning him to the ground. Ressek began to struggle to get free, out from under the giant garn as it started licking him on the face and arms as he put up a fight against it. “Aggra no lick” he shouted at the garn but it didn’t seem to stop it. Ressek let out a loud laugh and got an arm free as he ruffled the matted fur on the wolf’s head. “Good garn, now let me up” he commanded. With a smile they both got to their feet, and the orc made his way to his pack tossing his best friend a chunk of clefthoof flesh. He sat at the fire, the giant wolf at his feet, gnawing at the clefthoof flesh. Ressek starred into her beautiful eyes that were lit by the flames and it sent him into the memory of how their bond had formed in the first place.
Ressek was a young orc, in the Warsong clan. The brave warriors of this clan fought along side fierce garn in battle. Their ferocity became one, in the heat of combat. He remembers meeting Aggra during his trials long ago, he was to subdue the strongest wolf in the pack. That was Aggra, he soon learned she wasn’t just the strongest but also the smartest. It took weeks of hunting her pack and attempting to subdue her, but she continued to outsmart the brutish orc. Until one fateful day where the orc had earned the respect of the alpha female. After following her and her pack for so long, he soon learned clefthoof meat was their feast of choice. This time instead of hunting her, he hunted a clefthoof, killed it, and had carried it all the way to her den, leaving it at the entrance. Many moons of doing this and the pack mother was pleased by the sacrifices the orc had made to the garn. She offered her assistance to the orc and their bond only grew from that day on. Hunting, battle, even trips to the capital cities, she was by his side.
Gunshots went off in the distance and Ressek snapped back to reality. The two jumped to their feet, and the orc kicked some sand at the fire putting it out, as they both slowly faded into the dark abyss of the night towards the gunshots.