Leidolfr slowly exhales and then drawing in a slow steady breath begins to speak slowly and carefully.
(as told at Tall Tales and Epic Fables June 6 2019 in Bloodhoof Village)
This story is long time past. History maybe forget even. Story call Box Out of Which Good Things Come.
There was box. Simple. No carve or picture. Just box. No word… or rune.
Leidolfr’s hands move as to show the shape of a small square box, small to him being the length of his forearms on all sides.
None know what in box.
One night under Mu’sha, world young, First Father of Tribe bring box to fire-pit and give son.
Son ask, what is in box? A gift?
Father say, no just gift. What in box is… uh… most important. Leidolfr adds after thinking for a second
Son try to open. Father tell him no. If open, all good in world fly off in sky. Be gone.
The son think and then try hand box back.
Father say no. Your turn to watch. To protect what in box.
Son ask again. What in box?
Father no answer. Turn and leave. Pass Tribe and box to son as Mu’sha highest he can be in sky.
Leidolfr takes another breath and starts again.
Now son become Father and again same. Give box. Tell son same when time come.
This happen much times. In peace, in war. In health, in sick. In plenty, and when crop is fail.
One night new new new Father come time. He call son, come to him.
Leidolfr whispers urgently to the listeners, Father say same thing.
But he go to give box and then stop. Hold it back. No give son. He turn box many time and try to lift or break open.
Son watch and put his hand on father hand. He ask Father why try open?
Father say I must know. My life I watch as world is hurt, friend hurt, Tribe hurt. But this box, that has good things just sits in tent wrapped in fur. Hidden. How does that help?
Son answer. Father you say that if open, all good in world fly off in sky and be gone. You must not open.
Father say, but what good is left in world now?
Son answer, if all good left in world only here in box, we must keep safe. When need most, it come here… for us. If open, it will be gone.
Father ask, how do you know there is anything in the box or that it is good?
The son careful take box from Father. Son say with voice quiet, now time for faith, Father, and know even if not see in box. I will care now.
Leidolfr clears his throat
Box still is pass. Every Tribe have box. Each Shu’halo have box. Every calf given box when first hear word whisper in wind.
Wind that say Earth Mother.
Keep box close and keep closed. So good stay in world.
Leidolfr eyes twinkle as he bows at the end of his tale.