RP Stories?

Just a qustion here, how do people feel about RP stories? I think that’s one of my favorite things about RP. Back in the days of the early MMO’s people wrote backstories and other RP stories. You used to even have to write one just to get into guilds. It was crazy good fun. All that, I’d love to see and hear peoples responses and ideas about it.




Most guilds will have their own backstory. But for me. I like when i am able to work with others whom are new to tauren rp.

Redwood. Despite its history here on this server is just a simplistic tribal rp. Its open ended so anyone can just live a simplistic tribal life no matter the character. We of course make the tauren culture at the forefront but we do expand on the lores and cuktures of the other species.

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That’s really interesting what you say about your guild. I have wanted to play a Barbarian and I thought about playing a human hunter. I was going through the lore for Warcraft and found out that their are human barbarians in Kalimdor. After that I remade mine as a warrior.

Their is a bot in testing (that’s in compliance with Discords ToS) that will let people write stories in a channel and then the bot parses it and sends it to a pre selected channel. We’re working the kinks out of it in our guilds Discord right now.

We are planning on putting it in the Soldiers of Azeroth (ED Community Discord) once it’s done. And no we aren’t egotistical by any means. We just made it for everyone where everyone gets to be equal and everyones voice matters.

TinyurlDOT/wowsoa is the URL for it. It’ll take you straight there. Pass this around to anyone you know, please. We’re getting more and more people and I am doing what I can to spread the word about this. I really have a genuine love of community and I feel like this server is something special. I just want to help as much as I can. The only thing that I want out of this is a place where I can hang out and get to be apart of the community and help people in need.

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I agree.

If you ever want to hang out with fellow rpers (though fairly specific to horde) you can join redwoods discord as a friend of the tribes. You can see and read any rp stories or just do rp chats. Not all the stories are horde. But even discussing i hope it inspires you.

At this point in my life. I have the energy to teach the basics with once in a while getting to actually flex the RP muscles.

Rp is much lile individual perspectives. Its different, even the most basic of “edgelord-jk-imsorandom” people rp when they dedicate themselves to a single faction or race. Pvpers do rp when they focus on killing.

Stories come from anywhere and anyone. Big or mundane. We gravitate to any stories.

Yeah that is true, even when playing table top RPG’s like D&D. Everyones mileage may vary. Feel free to drop into the SOA disc, it’s for everyone, both Horde and Alliance. It’s also a fresh start for people too.