Blizzard intended to implement some communication buffer between add-ons this expansion. From what I recall on roleplay servers they made this instance specific so it wouldn’t impact the entire server. Since patch 11.1 we’ve seen a reversal on this, targeted in the Eastern Kingdoms. This is preventing the functionality of several addons, most importantly being Total RP3, which is a main staple and an essential add-on for roleplayers. I do not know if these two situations are related or if there is something else causing the slow and lag of our add-ons, but since today (Tuesday 3/4) it has not been rectified.
There hasn’t been any communication from Blizzard regarding tickets, forum posts, or other inquiries regarding acknowledgement or an estimated repair time. If someone could please look into this issue and either communicate to the roleplay community or correct the issue, it would be much appreciated. Thank you.
Hi! This isn’t on the add-on’s end. This is on Blizzard’s which is why I put it in technical support. The addon is functioning as intended and the addon’s author already confirmed she’s waiting on Blizzard to fix a communication issue on their end.
Except tech support is a P2P troubleshooting area. We can’t take your feedback about the game’s ability to operate with addons, so it should be posted in UI and Macro like Kozzae mentioned.
I don’t mean to be rude or assertive. If it’s for players, how does that assist us in letting Blizzard know that their end is causing addon lag/error. This isn’t a new thing, this is something that was previously shut off for roleplay realms and no longer is off.
This isn’t on the add-ons end, it is Blizzard communication between addons. There is a buffer that they implemented that needs to be reversed once more on roleplay realms.
Because Blizzard monitors player discussion areas for feedback (General, Class, New Player, UI, etc.) and tech support is a P2P troubleshooting area, not really discussion.