Rp server names

so me and my buddy are gonna roll on the grob for classic, but we’re worried about the whole rp name thing.
i know we cant have anti rp names, no names of places, no non fantasy names, no 2 word names…
but like… what is a fantasy name…?
i use Lunar in all my names, have forever… could i do the same on an rp server

Yes, yes you can

What they/we do not want is…

Nope not going to do it, you know what they do not want. You will be fine.

In this case I would want to argue to you the idea of “why this name” from the perspective of your character. Is Lunar a self appointed alias your character runs by because they want their true name kept hidden? Perhaps they cast their originally name aside in symbolism saying the old them is dead and the new them is Lunar. Or maybe your character was born on an eclipse and your parents found it fitting. Note that names are typically appointed to you by someone else, and typically that comes from your parents.

If you can find yourself answering the question “why is your character named this?” to a complete stranger who does not play World of Warcraft without getting awkwardly embarrassed then you are probably on the right track. For me adding two separate words together, such as Lunarwilds, Lunarlight, Lunarassassin, feels unrealistic. I would have incredibly skepticism with someone who claimed their parents wanted to seed their child’s schooling future to “Lunarassassin” and I hope you would too.


a lot of my names are like lunarkin for druid, lunartime for rogue, and lunarkuma for my panda.
the 2 names thing is in the game though… like, the old druid quest mob lunawing the moonkin… so… idk