RP - Redwood Times Update

The newest edition of the Redwood Times volume 3, serving all of Azeroth on Emerald Dream, has arrived at a tavern or Inn near you. Check out the new advertisement section and the latest news – in fact, some of the news is from earlier this week! Included is a contest, you choose the caption, winner chosen on Dec. 20th and announced in the December edition. And don’t forget to check your monthly horoscopes by Farseer Mayalen


Hope you enjoy and Happy Holidays!
Lohkawas and Mokalyn Wildmane


Just finally read it, really like it. Friendsgiving looks like an event I missed but wish I would of attended (work). You all do awesome work on this!

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D.H.E.T.A. has been notified of this “Kick Fish” game - a true crime against nature and all things aquatic.

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Just wanted to remind everyone about the Redwood Times Caption Contest. You can also post your entry in the Redwood Tribe’s channel on Horde RP discord.

And get in touch if you would like to submit something for the paper.

And… as always, if you have events coming up after Dec. 21 we will be glad to put something in the advertisement section.