Redwood Times Online Seeking More Talented Writers!!!
Do you have what it takes to join the fastest growing Newspaper on ED? In six months, we have quadrupled in size and are taking Azeroth by hoof and horn (well, some of us have hooves and horns, the other writers have feet and no horns at all?!?)
With the war escalating we are seeking the following:
More war correspondents – we need Horde and Alliance coverage of what makes Emerald Dream great!
More investigative reporters – there is always something going on behind the PVP.
More Entertainment coverage – With war, you need a break once in awhile.
We started as a small tribal news scroll and now every tavern in Azeroth has a copy pinned to its message board. Get your creative genius shown to your peers and the world and join the RTO team today!
If this interests you, msg Lohkawas at:
The Horde or Alliance RP discords