[RP] Redwood Times Call for Ads/Stories

Greetings All!

Volume 20 of the Redwood Times launched last weekend with a starting section on Classic, including some advertisements! The Times has been serving Emerald Dream for 10 months and will continue to host sections for both retail and our classic adventures on Grobbulus. Our next edition will feature Classic under a different tab, much like Horoscopes from Mayalen section.

If you would like to advertise an event, guild, or “an apt. for rent in Ironforge” for RP purposes, please reach out to lohkawaswildmane@gmail.com or Okwaho Skyseer on Grobbulus

The next edition should upload (uh, be delivered to your local inns and taverns) on Sept 8th, so please send advertisements by the 6th of Sept. And if you would like to submit a write-up with pictures, those can be forwarded to the email listed above.

From Redwood past and present - We look forward to covering your events and adventures:
