[RP Question] Day of the Dead

It is the Day of the Dead ingame! A time to remember the fallen, the love ones of the past, and celebrate those that carry on their legacy. So the question today is - Who does your character remember, honor, celebrate today on this Day of the Dead?

ICly Aglaica remembers the fighting spirit of Stefan her husband, the laughter of her daughter Sally, and the devious yet smart tricks of Thom her son, who all met their fate in Theramore. Aglaica celebrates the life they could of had, by donating to the orphanage in Stormwind in their name, as well as working at the soup kitchen in Westfall as Stefan was a man who always thought about helping those less fortunate.
Lohkawas remembers his older brother, Kahranahk, who gave his life defending the village that was Sepulcher in the Sky. The fel had corrupted a kobold ritual and let loose a shadow creature. Lohkawas was not awakened until the next night and had to learn of his brother's death from the village elders. He will always carry the guilt for not being able to fight off the shadow that overtook him and he succumbed like most of the villagers to unconsciousness, while his brother fought the demon alone and gave his life to defeat it.
This is for 3 characters Panth, Satumi and Valibas brothers.

We Pandaren hold strong family ties, and remember our long lineages regularly. This holiday is strange to us, shouldn’t we always honor our ancestors?

In the spirit of the Day of the Dead, we choose to honor our the Golden Lotus defenders who lost their lives to corruption in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, as we honor our parents and family almost daily.
Nearo remembers the Sailors and Marines he has served with, and who have died during what seems like several lifetimes spent in military service with Kul Tiras.

He honors them by continuing the mission of purging the taint of Orcish filth and their kin from this world - the same mission those brothers and sisters in arms died fighting for.
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