(RP-PvPvE) Shadows of Teldrassil

The smoke, still rising from the ashes of the once proud World Tree that we called home for eons, lingers in the air. It serves as a harrowing reminder of our failure to capture the shedevil Sylvanas Windrunner, who butchered our people without so much as a concern for the genocide she wrought.

Our people have languished in the human capital for what feels like eternity. We have grown soft in our views towards the Horde, and while the Night Warrior continues to seek vengeance in her determined hunt to find the Banshee Queen, we have been forced to deal with Old Gods and naga.

Now, a new threat looms, one that is directly caused yet again by the former warchief, and we cannot sit idly by any longer. Kaldorei, it is time to take up the sword! It is time to wreak havoc upon those who murdered our kin. The peace treaty may be signed, but the hunt has only just begun.

The Shadows of Teldrassil shall be a RP-PvP guild with a side of PvE. We believe in enjoying all content while cherishing a friendly atmosphere. While it is kaldorei themed, all races are welcome to join the hunt as we seek to survive the prepatch and push forward into Shadowlands.

There are two requirements for joining, as to foster a community of roleplay that can be taken with a sense of enjoyment and not as a laughingstock:
-You must have a roleplay compliant name for your race. TRP3 is accepted so long as it remains on with your IC name active.
-An in character interview is required before joining.

As we look to establish ourselves on the Dream, I must reiterate that no drama, political banter, or naysaying will be tolerated within the ranks. We all come to WoW to enjoy playing with friends and family, not to engage in online fighting that results in tearing down one another. Failure to abide by this request will result in a swift removal and no explanation will be asked.

Again, we will be engaging in RBGs, arenas, raiding, etc. All content will be on the order of business for the Shadows, and we hope for our members to take up the call and assist in leading the charge.

I thank you for taking the time to read this missive, and I hope to see you all on the battlefield. Feel free to reach out and contact me ingame if you are interested in further information.


Great to see a Kaldorei-centric guild on ED again! Hail to the Night!

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Thank you for the kind reply, Jimmirus, and may I say it is good to see you in good health as always!

I’ve been away for a year on hiatus for health reasons, so it’s nice to see some old faces still on the Dream.

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Hate to break this to you but Teldrassil is only a couple of decades old in game. It was grown after the events of Warcraft 3.

But anyway, good luck with new guild. Long live the Kal’dorei!

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It still burned like a dried out old tree. Guess they should’ve watered it more than once a month.

My name is Talithen, you burned my tree, prepare to die.


Just so everyone is aware, my schedule due to COVID is rough. If you apply to join the guild, I may or may not be online to do your In Character interview immediately. Please be patient!

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