#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

I have a bad headache so I went to the doctor and he said I have an RP-PVP deficiency and the remedy was at least 1 server. So now it’s doctor’s orders, Blizz.


One server please


1 RP-PVE and 1 RP-PVP


Only if it means keeping goldshire inn PG-13 for the normal realms :stuck_out_tongue:

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RP-PVP is just the only way to go if you love RP and you love PVP. I am RP fan and love to stare down my enemy before we take to fighting. Anyone can jump in and do wpvp, but to RP it out with your enemies first, is just so much better.


There is even less data showing a demand for RP-PVE servers, yet were getting that and not a RP-PVP server?

Care to explain that?


I plan on playing on a normal RP server but I think it would be a great idea to have an RP-PVP server


Blizz is going by historical numbers from the past decade and a half of WoW on this decision.

Not that I think it’s a good decision as I really want an RP-PvP server and at least trying to get a PvP server designated as the “Unofficial RP-PvP server”

Which is the whole meat of the issue Blizz: Either there will be an RP-PvP server or players will pick a server and designate it as the “RP-PvP server” Probably easier to just make one in the first place.

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This decision doesn’t make any sense, in light of their layering plans. Are they seriously telling us they believe there isn’t enough demand to populate ONE RP-PvP server for a justifiable length of time?

Considering the passion people have for the play-style, I just can’t believe that. What a gross error.


I want to say I had been planning on playing on a RP-PvP server since Classic was announced at Blizzcon. This is very important to me, personally. I would appreciate greatly if Blizzard would lend a hand to us here.


That data is horribly broken, as there were no rppvp servers at launch. And by the time there were, people who WOULD have rolled on rppvp servers were not about to give up their existing characters, destroy their guilds by separating, or paying to transfer (which you could not do, as pve could not transfer to pvp.)

Historic numbers are absurdly flawed.


Let me take this opportunity to add my voice to the voiceless. We want RP-PvP. Bring it Blizz!

Shoutout to all my previous guildies with [Red Sector A] on Twisting Nether!


We still want RP-PVP servers. Lets make this happen!


Sorrry for the lame hope talk here sunday double shift, nd 7 day work week but, keep the preasure up, its obvious that blizzard has seen what we are saying keep trying to get those people in beta \Streamers etc to notice. Awareness is key, as is understanding and faith, but do not faulter our post is one of the most populuar on here united our voices can be heard.


if the redit survey is correct then blizzard is being kind of dumb you need pvp for a rp server to work correctly its pretty out of character to have horde and alliance skipping through the tulips together.


I would 1000% play on a RP-PVP server as would my very large guild as it encompasses both facets of wow that i loved back in the day. Please blizz make it happen.


Those who come in here looking to argue should be ignored. That isn’t what this thread was about! I will never stop posting.


Bump for my future home.


I want this. Also, for the true Vanilla WoW experience, blizzard has to hire on a small team of GM’s who exist only to moderate RP servers. We had that back in Vanilla. However, to make the experience authentic, you have to promise they have job security and then when Bobby Kotick shows up immediately fire all of the RP GM’s and abandon RP servers for some make believe savings on payroll by ignoring the cost of lost subs due to unsatisfied players and stagnated growth due to loss of interest when the quality of the servers(Therefor product) is diminished by the lack of real RP servers that are moderated properly.

But seriously RP-PvP servers and RP moderators, please. Preferably moderation that doesnt include the modern automated silence “feature”. Seriously, that crap is going to make Classic servers feel so empty if its brought over. No one is going to speak freely if they are at risk of a long term silence in Classic WoW over some sissy being offended cause someone said something they dont like.

In modern WoW I dont give a crap, a silence in Retail isnt even noticed by me because I dont need to socialize to play the game. But in Classic? It’d basically be turning off someones account for the duration. Dont punish people for offending another player. Only punish people for patterns of harassment(That means going out of their way to bother another, not another taking offense at how someone behaves in public channels) and extreme outliers of horrid behavior.

Then we have real Classic. If Silence goes to Classic, Classic becomes Retail and the game will be cheapened for it.


Bump to keep up the presence.