#RP-PVP Realms, Reconsider One Realm

If they insist on only 1 rp server and 0 rppvp at launch but implement a rppvp server later they should allow free transfers from the rp and the pvp servers


I’m still waiting for one single reason why having RP-PvP servers would be a bad thing. There is no argument against it because there is no reason not to have at least one or two.


RP-PvP means endless war, fighting through rival groups just to get to Blackrock Mountain and other instanced content. It’s the best option for long term servers and strong communities.


:cricket: :cricket: :cricket: :cricket: :cricket:
(Those are crickets)


If we get no news around late june / Augest, everyone with there guilds and folks from all around we MUST do everything in power to push this idea, spread the word for now, but wait a little longer, plant the seeds. But at those final day’s

WE WILL ORGANIZE If that fails, then nothing will work. But at least then we can all come together and pick a server, and show Blizzard that this IS something the people want. So for now i ask everyone who’s not in a community to find one, and spread the good word.

The GMS and officers get your guildies ready, and standing. Be as annoying as you must, push for this. TRULY push for it, don’t be the lame kid who fills out a work applicant, then never follow’s threw! Call the Manger every day until he tells you something!

Not even a mighty warrior can break a frail arrow when it is multiplied and supported by its fellows. As long as you brothers support one another and render assistance to one another, your enemies can never gain the victory over you. But if you fall away from each other your enemy can brake you like frail arrows, one at a time. - Genghis Khan


I expect nothing, and I’m still let down.


Give us at least one at launch please blizz. At this point I wouldn’t care if it was just one shared between EU and US. I’d take the latency. I just don’t want to have to start over later or miss out on it completely.


Any new developments on this?

All new’s or updates will go into the OP, nothing from Blizzard thus we need to keep pushing for a blue post.


Please have RP-PVP servers for Classic. We shouldn’t have to choose between RP and PVP. They weren’t available at the original launch, but were added later, because someone realized they were wanted. Why would now be any different? People want them. Please make them available.

Adding one after launch isn’t good enough. Not everyone will want to start over on a new server, which might not create the population it would have if it’s there at the beginning.


They’re only expecting to have this for 2-4 weeks and automatically removed for Phase 2. It’s not a factor to really worry about for RP due to its limited life.

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originally i thought 2rp and 1 rppvp but yes i can see 1 of each from the get go i always thought there was going to be at least 1 rppvp server as i figured there would be 6-8 servers total

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Once we see the server list, and if there is not an RP-PvP option, I, Charax Silvershield, the Silver Sentinel, the Glory of the Kaldorei, and MOG EMPEROR will designate a PvP server for the RP-PvP community.

We should all reserve three characters on that server and bloat up the pre-launch population. Perhaps that may convince Blizzard to offer us the RP-PvP realm we want.

Interestingly, in an interview, Blizzard said that they will have additional servers ready to launch (beyond the ones that they will notify us of pre-launch), in case demand warrants it.

We may just get our RP-PvP server but a couple of days after Classic launches.


In which case the server would have incredibly lower population than it would if it had been available on release and Blizzard gets their dream of failing RPPvP servers.


Yeah, I definitely would prefer it supported before launch but I suspect we’ll get it one or two days after launch should Classic be an overwhelming success.

I believe they said in an interview that they’ll be taking stock of the number of players that are saving names to gauge interest. My recommendation for everyone is just to show extreme interest and participation pre-launch to encourage Blizzard to open up more servers, hopefully before actual launch.

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To gauge interest in classic wow in general or to gauge interest in rp-pvp as well? Because I don’t think there will be anyway to show interest in rp-pvp when saving your name if there isn’t an rp-pvp realm present.


The former but if we publicly designate a particular PvP server as the RP-PvP hub, and it attracts a lot of people reserving names, it might help convince Bliz of the community interest in RP-PvP.

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Adding my vote here! Blizzard has said that Classic aims to recreate the original vanilla experience we all knew and loved. But, for thousands of players, RPPVP servers were part of that experience. Without RPPVP servers, none of us who played there will be able to relive that Classic experience we remember. I think we should get that chance just as everyone else does.

I can’t wait for classic! Please Blizzard throw us an RPPVP or two!


Sorry, but there should be no compromising like that prior to release. Especially a compromise that involves expecting people to resub to a game that they don’t want in order to reserve names for a game that may not end up having the server type they fought for.

Hard pass on picking a non rppvp server.

With this proposed layering thing, there is ZERO reason to not have a rppvp server at startup.


With all the attention being paid to beta issues, it will be important not to let this thread fall too far down the forums.

Still hoping for an RP-PvP server.