[RP-PVE] The Loch Modan Exiles

Word of Warning:
Little to nothing related to this guild is officially canon to the world of Azeroth, however I have tried my best to fit it seamlessly into Warcraft’s pre-established canon.

The Eastern Tauren

After their exodus from their homeland of Loch Modan, the Tauren of the Eastern Kingdoms have been reunited with their brethren of Kalimdor. Their exile, spurred on by Alliance aggression, has greatly cost their kind. Now, in a strange land, allied with a faction they were once distrusted and reviled, the Eastern Tauren are left to rebuild within the Horde.

Only three of the five tribes of the Highlands had joined with the Horde, these being the Runepainter, the Bearpaw, and the Deadstone. The Mountainbreakers stayed and forged a deal with the Alliance, whereas the Moonhorn fell to the influence of the Twilight’s Hammer.

Left without a leader, Taraghlan Runepainter has stepped forward. A Primalist and once no more than a Berserker, the loss of his people’s homeland has spurred him to leadership, hoping to unify his people, and maybe, in the distant future, reclaim their home.

Standing taller than their Kalimdor siblings, the Eastern Tauren possess far thicker and shaggier fur, hardened to resist frigid temperatures. Generally their coats are ginger or white, and their horns a beige color. Culturally they resemble the Shu’halo little, referring to themselves specifically as Osh’fe.

Whereas the Shu’halo revere the Earth Mother, the Osh’fe turn to the winds for guidance, worshipping the “Wind Lord,” and the “Mountain Spirits.” Despite sharing a name, it’s apparent from Osh’fe ritual practice that the so-called “Wind Lord” shares little in common with Al’Akir beyond their title.

The Osh’fe accent itself is an oddity, at times barely understandable to other Tauren. Rolling their Rs, omitting many T sounds, it’s apparent that ages of syncretism with the Dwarves has shaped their accent nigh permanently.

OOC Info

I'll keep this mostly cut and dry as I'm a tad new to running guilds, but I'm recruiting other RPers who find this idea fascinating and want to join me in roleplaying as Scottish Highland Cow Tauren. The guild is mostly going to be focused on RP, and maybe some casual PVE content if anyone is interested.

There are really no requirements in relation to toon to join, however having a shaggy foremane is a necessity. /s

If you’re interested in joining, join the discord with this invite code (KKDrhShxS6) and I’ll sort out getting you into the guild!.


Good luck with your fluffy highland Tauren! I’d recommend setting up a Discord if you don’t have one yet to more easily communicate with potential guild mates, cause unfortunately WoW’s in game community tabs are still too far behind the times compared to out of game communication.


I love this idea! If you are looking for more members for this movement I would love to throw my hand into this!


Yay! I will get in touch with you. I need to go McMoo my little rogue.


this is a really creative and adorable idea! I’m curious: would these lovely shaggy moos favor gryphons like the dwarves they’ve bumped shoulders with?

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Absolutely, I imagine them riding upon Gryphons and great rams just like the Dwarves, and I’m imagining it’d be quite a confusing sight for alliance and horde alike to see Tauren raiders on Gryphons rather than Dwarves.


Okay, I have decided against the rogue, but I do have a little mage I think will fit. I haven’t really worked on a back story, but I think being from a tribe that had exposure to alliance, and mages, makes it something she would have come by naturally.


Count me in!
Character in-game is a hunter named Tiobaid


I’m gonna be creating a discord soon for this little guild so as to make it a lot easier to recruit people and what not, give me some time (it’s currently 3am and I just woke up), and I’ll return when it is ready.


I actually like this idea. I mean, we’re discovering new landmasses all the time, so why not highmountain, er highland cows? I do have one question out of fascinated curiosity: are these Tauren supposed to have been separated from their kin since before the Sundering? Then they’d have a lineage with the Taunka, too.


Think I recall someone doing a very similar idea back in the day, during Legion. Eastern Kingdoms subspecies of tauren that was bigger and fluffier. It was a pretty decent sized guild, as far as tauren only guilds go.

Best of luck! Always need more tauren guilds!

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Sorta, I imagine the Eastern Tauren split from the Yaungol, Taunka, and Kalimdor Tauren around the War of the Ancients, so before the sundering, admittedly this is an area of the idea I haven’t explored fully.

The working idea though is that the Highland Tauren split from the Highmountain, that they were the ones who fled for a new homeland rather than banding with the Kaldorei.

I wouldn’t doubt it quite frankly, I know as a matter of fact this idea isn’t wholly original. I first got the idea from some old fan art back on Tumblr, sadly can’t remember the artist, but it depicted a big old fluffy highland cattle Tauren and the idea stuck with me until now.