[RP-OOC] Dance Of The Dead - Festival Meeting - Sept 8 & 9, 2023

The Festival planning meeting for Dance Of The Dead 2023 is taking place this week and we welcome interested parties to join us. This initial planning meeting will address the following topics.

This annual RP Festival and tournament goes back to 2007, and is among the oldest RP events on WoW. For two days players will enjoy interactive rp booths, tournaments for prizes, and more!

Dance Of The Dead 2023 Dates: Oct 19th, 20th, 21st.

Meeting Outline

This is a cross-faction and cross-server planning meeting.

-Tournaments/ Costumes & Dates
-Party Booths - expectations and booth sign-ups opening
-Festival Layout
-Charity Art Auction
-Special Guests
-Art Support For Booths

The same meeting is being hosted on 2 different days to accommodate scheduling needs. Interested parties are welcome to attend 1 or both meetings, however this is the same meeting being hosted twice so there is no need to attend twice.

-Planning Meeting Date: Sept 8th & 9th
-Time: 7pm Central / 8pm Eastern
-Discord: https://discord.gg/vQUYhXeTYN
-Who: Guild leaders, and individuals interested in conducting and hosting booths, and more. These meetings are structured and organized. This event welcomes cross server and cross faction rp participation and support.