My standard RP names that I like to use are taken on ED. At one point in time I was really bothered when an RPer didn’t use an ‘RP’ compliant name. By the same token, substituting accented letters seems more acceptable but if I’m honest, I’m still very bothered by it.
Anyway, my question is, are others? Has it become standard practice to just used TRP to give your character a lore appropriate name? Are accented letters a more acceptable alternative?
I’m considering a move from WrA and looking to get into an RP guild, preferably one with a strong Night Elf presence. Before I transfer, I just wanted to get a feel for what people do here when their preferred name is taken.
I got lucky with my names. Getting creative with the spelling helps. I don’t have any Elves but I’ve some Tauren. The Tauren DK I wanted to name Wendigo but I figured that was taken so I tracked down the phonetic English spelling of that Algonquin word and wound up with Wiindigoo, which I actually prefer.
Mixing words from different languages is also nifty.
Accents do annoy me. Especially ß - which denotes an ss noise, it’s not another symbol for B. I don’t care all that much but it does make it more difficult to invite someone.
Depends on what you’re looking for, a lot of people use TRP here but it ends up coming down to preference. I’ve used the same tag for the last ten years since my heroes of newerth days, where the name Mifune` came with a grave/tilda. To me, the accent is actually what I wanted, and I do have the original name in the MG server too.
I use to care, but trp pretty much hides the names.
Also the ashen vale as stated above is great guild with majority being elves. jimmirus aereria would be the key people to look for about recruitment into their guild i believe
Yes, this exactly. I know “Kaecia” is not really a proper Kaldorei name but I’ve had that name since 2012 and have a ranger type Kaecia on every game I’ve ever played. I can accent the i to í but I don’t really want to!
I just went through every server and made a lvl 1 char with the name “Senneca” in case I ever decided to play on that server at some point in the future. I probably won’t, but that’s my name anyway, you can’t have it.
Who cares? If you rp you should be using TRP so the name of the actual toon shouldn’t matter. I know a few people who started off as avid PVPers here with names like lawlqt, ovenmits, tubthumpin (all of these are made up btw, not trying to call friends out) and they got into RP recently and loved it, and because those toons already have some rep on the server or through other guilds they don’t want to name change (25 dollars is crazy anyways for a name) so they change it in TRP and no one notices because If you have TRP their name gets changed to what they want it to in game (for free) when they RP.
I also have other people who are “hardcore” RPers who only name their toons after book characters and other things that are already established. Seems dumb to me but what ever.
Personally I won’t pay for a name change so TRP does the trick. But who cares? As long as they aren’t trolling and actually taking the RP serious who cares what their name outside of TRP is. It’s a game, let people have a little fun (:
With that being said I hope you transfer and find what you’re looking for. I suggest the ashen vale as well. Good group of elf RPers!
im in agreement with those who say trp removes the need to worry about your character’s actual name. I find that wow has too many limitations in what you can and cant actually name your character and trp has non of these issues.
to me character name and rp name dont mean the same thing. I personally like to have lore friendly character names but I have no issue with non lore friendly character names and I dont see any reason to restrict your rp name to your character name because like I said before there are just too many restrictions.
I mean IRL quite a lot of names come from books. Benedikt’s full name is Franzis Urban Benedikt which is just a series of Popes, Stanton Creed is from a country song, Kaligari’s first name is Iago which is fancy for bad guy and the surname’s a refernce to a German Expressionist horror movie.
Think what most are getting at is, the people that truly policed names and cried over them are gone. When we see no trp on someone we know they arent rping at the time so we dont mess with em.
I appreciate the input. Though I have a personal attachment to the name (even if it isn’t strictly lore abiding for a Night Elf), I don’t have to have it. I’m sure I can find something that will work, that doesn’t need accented characters or completely rewritten with TRP.
It is, after all, a new server for me so, while the character story will remain largely the same, a name change won’t matter since no one else would be affected. A fresh start, I guess. I might even have to play both sides and give both my characters new life.