RP in Orgrimmar and Silvermoon

I said personal preference, it’s not dictating for others. If people want to ascribe intentions that I didn’t put in there, that sounds like people don’t enjoy having others in the community with differing opinions.

People on this forum either take their faction/race choice way too seriously or seem really really defensive over opinions of RP. I don’t like tavern RP that devolves into mindless raunchiness. I don’t like concepts like half orc half cyborg death machines secretly built by Garrosh. Sue me, I like concepts proven possible in the lore.

The OP asked about RP in Orgrimaar and Silvermoon, people have been posting and offering their opinions, I offered mine. Doesn’t have to be a fight.

I never said you were. I said if you’re gonna be criticizing people based on standards and rules you’ve made up yourself, the response to that won’t differ much from what it’s been here.


I feel I should elaborate on what exactly bothers me about the way you’re approaching this, if I may be blunt.

There are two kinds of people who say they live and let live when it comes to RP. There are people who live and let live, and that’s the end of it.

Then there are folks who say that phrase, but pepper in a LOT of passive aggressive remarks about the RP they don’t approve of, while using the phrases like “live and let live” as a shield, trying to keep up the image of someone who doesn’t judge. It’s pretty disingenuous and, frankly, not very nice. To put it in kindergarten terms. I don’t care for it.


You just threw a rock at a beehive :honeybee::honeybee::honeybee::honeybee::honeybee:

Anyway, Orgrimmar RP is chaotic because it’s a massive melting pot of everything and everyone under the sun just showing up and dropping their gimmick.

I’ve had a void infused monster elf creature approach me once to ask about all my skeleton bees. I’ve also had a Tony Hawk skateboarding orc try to show off his sick ollie to me. A goblin tried to cure my undeath my making me drink every potion in their inventory, most of it just soda that made me burpy.

I’ve also just had super cereal RP too but usually that quickly moves to group chat or into a more quiet corner away from the chaos.

Anyway I’m one of those awful RPers that show up with their silly gimmicks that ruins it for the super srs RPers because I don’t fall into a strict definition of what my race/class should act and behave like.


Oh gosh here we go. xD

OP, in my experience, check out the Wyvern’s Tail in Orgrimmar, and the Royal Exchange in Silvermoon. I don’t RP in Silvermoon much, but that’s where I tend to see the most RP. Years ago it was Murder Row. Not sure why it changed.

With regards to the uh, other discussion…

I personally don’t see an issue with a character having illogical ideals. I find it can be an interesting character flaw. There’s pretty dumb opinions completely lacking evidence in the real world… why not the RP world too?

So if your Orc hates Blood Elves, that’s fine. If your Blood Elf hates Orcs, that’s fine. Hell if nothing else there’s a culture clash there. As long as you’re not a harasser or a butt about it, especially OOC, then who am I to question how anyone else makes their character?


Thank you. I’ve never harassed someone for their character. I may not like every concept that strolls by, I’m not gonna blindside them and call them a bad RPer or outright ignore them. I’m a little confused by why it’s been suggested I’m somehow trying to be RP police with standards and practices when I just stated a viewpoint lol.

Hell, my original post was half just me joking - though it is true my main is pretty biased towards elven folk for a variety of reasons, some logical, some illogical, and some based on pure emotion. Flaws are good to have for a character… in my opinion calm down guys.

Don’t do that. Don’t do the false flag “everyone is freaking out” thing.


It’s called a joke.

The line between personal preference and elitism can be blurred in the RP world, I guess, depending on how you do it.

I’ll be real here. As an example, I don’t much enjoy noble RP. Typically if someone has a bunch of lengthy titles and high-ranking roles, I don’t much enjoy it.

It’s all about how you respond though. If I actively OOCly dislike something I personally try to not engage with it. Expressing OOC thoughts IC, and having it bleed into your character, rarely goes well. So for example, it wouldn’t be cool for all of my characters to hate nobles with a fiery passion, just because I’ve OOCly had some bad experiences with noble RPers.

As such, the way I deal with nobles is that I typically don’t walk up to them. If they walk up to me I’ll engage civilly of course, but my personal preference manifests itself in that, if I’m choosing who I want to walk up to, it’s likely not the noble.

Also this. This is a discussion forum. Nobody’s freaking out. We’re having a discussion, but I certainly wouldn’t think any one side is getting overstressed here.


Oh. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


I swear this type of discussion has become a story trope on these forums.

Instead of that common “boy meets girl” kinda story repeating itself, we have a regular “orc meets elf” one. Except at the end… nobody falls in love. :broken_heart:


This feels extremely outdated honestly. With the inclusion of Nightborne, I’ve seen more Sin’dorei RP’ers come to orgrimmar without being harassed by the “OG” Horde. I saw this occur quite a lot in MoP, and just dabs of it in WoD. But ever since Legion I can say I don’t see much racial tension as I used to ICly. I think a lot of the people just finally accepted the elf races, minus a OOC joke or two I see on discord.

And at this point, time to let it gooooooo. Hating on elves in the Horde is so 2012.


Echoing this. Most people in Orgrimmar talk to all races without an issue, from what I’ve seen. There’s the occasional person who grumbles about disliking one race or the other, but that happens on Alliance too. Gosh the amount of people I’ve encountered in my Alliance-main years who literally ICly discuss punting Gnomes…


Mhm. True true. If anything, Undead are the new Elves because of Sylvanas. Sorry Sarestha. You are guilty of playing a race that people are gonna hate now. Haha.

I play a… frequent flyer of the Wyvern’s Tail, OP. She’s got a lot of issues and looks to Gravy to fill that hole with his watered down firewater. (I don’t know if it’s watered down, but she seems to think so.) I find if I want quick RP I venture to the Tail or VoH and have made quite a few friends there. Maybe not “friends” but folks I recognize and can say hello to in passing.

Sometimes those quick encounters have developed into more than that. Sometimes I’ve wished they didn’t happen. But it is a melting pot of people and play styles and a good place to dig your feet in. There are literally all types of races there, including the occasional ogre or Voldunai or hag witches–pretty much any costume people can get away with.

As for SMC, I don’t go very often. The Row was still sprinkled with people and of course the inns/taverns, last time I was there. But Orgrimmar and sometimes Booty Bay (or it was, there for a while) are popping with RP. It can get tiring and make you feel hollow just RPing in Org after a while. I find I get burnt out on it because I want to write stories, not just quick scenes all the time.

Threska doesn’t talk to many folks beyond orcs and goblins, but she’s open to conversation with just about anyone. Even a half-vampire, half-dragon, reborn-zombie chicken, it wouldn’t matter to her, or to me. I might snicker at the concept, but Threska would be all over that asking questions like a child and learning about something new. Would that encounter move into her canon? No, probably not, but it would be fun at the time and that’s what matters.

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I know right! xD Which is extremely fun really, because Sarestha, despite being a Sylvanas loyalist for now, is actually dedicated to being EXTREMELY NICE to every Horde race, especially those who disagree with her world view.

It’s great to RP actually. People expect an edgy undead Death Knight and they get a well-intentioned fanatic who has seen forceful oppression of opinions fail (hi Garrosh), and so is 100% trying to convince people to support the Lord and Saviour Sylvanas through CHATTING POLITELY.

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Real talk though, it’s what I love about Orgrimmar. What Enekie said is outdated in my opinion, because despite personally preferring the “Eastern” Horde races I find Silvermoon to be somewhat exclusive for non-elves. Orgrimmar, these days, has always struck me as a melting pot of cultures - a place of racial diversity and acceptance. I’ve never had any issue finding casual RP in Orgrimmar, despite being a member of “a race that people are gonna hate now.”

Orgrimmar’s great fun. It really is. The Horde’s multiculturalism is becoming more ingrained and accepted in RP.


I think that depends on what it is.

Mind you - for me it’s more about RP style than it is about topic theme. I’m more of the serious lore minded person, that’s what I enjoy. Depending on the nature of a different RP style I can roll with the punches and still have a good time. Other times I will definitely excuse myself.

With themes… I definitely avoid themes I’m not interested in. It’s all about the day to day lives of the more “mundane” (is that even a thing in this setting xD) citizens of the Horde for me. What does the life of an Orcish Wanderer look like when he’s also a part of the Horde and has a leader he doesn’t believe in? What are the politics of that socially? What are the ramifications around town?

When you play an orc in most RP settings, hating on elves never goes out of style :sunglasses:

I want a league called the National Punting League. The Western Kalimdor Conference can punt goblins. The Eastern Kingdoms Conference can punt gnomes. The best teams on either side goes to the Super Punt-Bowl where legions of gnomes and goblins get punted to their doom. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know. I think it depends on the character. Grumaar isn’t going to openly be nasty towards the Undead because there’s actually a healthy amount of fear there mixed with loathing - knowing what Sylvanas and her minions are capable of, as far as he’s concerned he’ll just avoid a Forsaken in a social situation.

A more serious answer about the Elven hate comes in the form of the things that shaped Grumaar (also the fact that I’ve harvested the backstory of various orcs I’ve played on other servers in years before finally calling WRA home.) Blood Elves may no longer be addicted to magic as they were, but for Grumaar, old biases are hard to get over. For him to respect any elf would be to see an elf embody what he views as honor, which he sees as an innately Orc/Tauren/Troll thing.

As a roleplayer I don’t mind the multiculturalism because there IS the opportunity for conflict. The Orcs/Tauren/Trolls embody a very different aspect of the Horde than say the Elves/Goblins/Undead.

Oh it’s totally a melting pot. I mean, just look at each area in Org. We got a place for Goblins, Trolls, Tauren and Orcs… with some hobo Forsaken. I’m personally happy more Elves have come to Org to RP. I always hated how “exclusive” RP for elves felt. I always had to travel to SMC, and I was the odd man out. Or cow. Whatever.

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Im a morning rper, so my hotspot is org and occasionally port of zuldazar. Smc is deserted in the am :frowning:

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