Rp idea - necrofamer. Please help!

I’m a bit out of the loop when it comes to RP on this game and I’ve been having the urge to redo an old character of mine that I haven’t touched in years. I understand the whole “You pay for your sub so you do whatever you want” deal, but I’m curious how this toon of mine could work in a more modern sense of the lore and if it’s at all lore breaking. As well as the type of issues I could end up running into.

As it stands I’m still working all the kinks out but the general idea is pretty straightforward.

Background in life
Her bare bone backstory is that she used to train under the Kirin Tor as a portal weaver as a Gilnean of Pyrewood Village before the wall was erected for a few years. This will tie into what she does in modern times as its quite important for her!

Life in death, before the desolate council
She’ll be one of the OG forsaken who were zealously loyal to Sylvanas who had worked among the Forsakens royal apothecary society as a fleshcrafter to help create and maintain abominations for Sylvanas’ army, with no real allegiance to the Horde or its allies, I’ve yet to decide if she’ll remain loyal to sylvanas for TWW or if that’s faded

Life after the desolate council
This is the part where I’m not entirely sure if I’m on track. I’m not sure if the desolate council disbanded RAS or simply limited what they are and are not allowed to do, I’m fully aware that it was mentioned multiple times in the lore that Sylvanas, and thus RAS itself was forbidden to use the plague they used in the wrathgate. Is the royal apothecary still active when it comes to using some form of the plague to bring in new ranks? Or have they been cut off??

The character itself in modern WoW
I’m going to turn her into a sort of necrofarmer, who uses the disguise of a farming shopkeep who utilizes rot hide gnolls to help her with setting her tent up, and a demon she was able to find a contract with! (Since she’ll be played as a warlock I figured I could make use of the pet system.) to use her shop as a means to sell diseased seeds that will hopefully get people sick, eventually kill them and turn them into undead in an attempt to slow down the inevitability of the Forsaken slowly fading.

Kind of threw this together in a pinch over the last few days of some ideas brewing and so far this is what I’ve come up with for the character. What are your thoughts and/ore ideas? Thank you!

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I feel like it would work. While I’m sure not all Gilnean’s were turned into Worgens. I’m sure there were a few that were recruited during Sylvanas’s attack. One might start to wonder what happening to him in “The Meeting” in Arathi Highlands and I don’t think the Royal Apothecary went anywhere especially after Sylvanas became warchief, but the Desolate Council was disbanded until she left.

They’re have been a few demons that could pass as a human. Saidan Dathrohan/ Balnazzar and I would think for the necrofarmer thing to work. He would have to have some kind of contract with a dreadlord for it to work. Maybe with Balnazzar himself since Sylvanas is gone now.

Sylvannas wiped out a good deal of it using Anduin as her patsy to let her know who had wavering loyalties to her and/or the Horde. Lillian Voss seems to be one of the key members in a new Desolate Council but we’re not given much to work on besides that.


As I recall they did that by posessing human bodies.

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I’m looking at it from the perspective of her being a Gilnean born in Pyrewood since it as well as Ambermill were apart of the Gilneas Kingdom before the second war when the wall was put up. Or would this still be an issue?

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I don’t think so. Most of the mobs there are humans so one could die from a adventure attack or even a incurable disease. You never said how she died or how she became a forsaken.

Also why do the forsaken even need to existence, why a obsession procreating? I don’t think undead have a desire to fornicate. Living as a undead would seem a lot like living as a quadruple amputee and being dependent completely on prosthetics. Sure it’s a life, but you wouldn’t choose it unless the alterative was oblivion.

Meaning if it happened to you, you wouldn’t wish it on someone else.

Thanks! Yeah they didn’t really elaborate on that too much. I know that Faranell is apart of the desolate council, and he himself doesn’t really have the brightest past. With Calia being apart of it and given her actions thus far I wouldn’t expect she’d take too kindly to what her people have been doing in undeath. It’s a bit disappointing they didn’t go into more detail with them. Hopefully more during TWW. :slight_smile:

Maybe no one is going to tell her. She had no contact with the Undercity while she was alive.