The room rocked. Hooves on the floor. Meat and muscle. Roars, guttural and booming. Deafening noise that consumed all silence. Arms tensed for a fight. United in one tribal heartbeat that thumped in unison. Blood and savage demands. Horde.
She met his predatory gaze. With his eyes gone, his look was sensed rather than seen. Connected through common bonds of kinship, ancestry, sibling-hood. His demon blood was boiling. Since the fall of the Legion, she hadn’t seen her brother so perfectly ferocious. It made her smile.
“It’s Hell unleashed in here” Sera yelled into his face and laughed against the din. He raised his eyebrows and nodded, cracking an almost-smile. We waited. The Crusade was out there, sweat, blood, and fear. Righteousness, a notoriously volatile master. Foolish, misguided, ill-judged was this Crusade. Their forces were a flimsy lot. Tokens. Counterfeit. Mockery. “Easy money”, she said tauntingly. “Scalps”, Ba’ddash smiled, and bounded out the door of Grommash Hold.