RP Guilds. I wanna know

I’m thinking about making a Horde server, and it’d be on Wyrmrest. I play on MG, and have a bunch of toons here. Like, a bunch.

So tell me, how are the RP guilds on Wyrmrest? If you’re in one, tell me the name and what your guild is about.

This would help me out a lot. Thanks!



Heya Pitstik! Check out this post! It has a decent list of both Alliance and Horde guilds on the server :smiley:


Hope you make the jump, welcome to the Wyrm.

There might just be a guild for (almost) any flavor you can imagine. Mercantile guilds, war, peaceful, druidic, etc. There are a lot though so take your time.

From my personal experience, there are a LOT of military/mercenary type guilds, a good number of “this race only/this race preferred” guilds, and a smattering of more neutral/open to all classes/races guilds. There’s a lot of RP guilds out there, but finding a good fit can be a challenge unless you fall into some specific RP themes.

Oaken dawn best