[RP Guild; X-Faction] | Illidari Watch - Demon Hunter Role-Play

[RP Guild; X-Faction] | Illidari Watch - Demon Hunter Role-Play

| Lore

Unit XIII–or as outsiders have come to call it, the “Illidari Watch”–is an elite platoon of Illidari-loyal demon hunters that’s been tasked with directly addressing Azeroth’s homegrown threats; such as the Primalists of the Dragon Isles, for example.

The Illidari Watch is led by its Captain, a blood elf demon hunter known only as Felsmoke, and the unit operates out of a captured Legion cruiser that currently sits cloaked high in the skies above Felwood, Kalimdor.

| Recruitment: OOC

The Illidari Watch is…

  • An 18+ guild
  • Cross-faction
  • LGBT+ friendly
  • Lore-abiding
  • RP-focused
  • Open to dark themes
  • Strictly anti-meta-gaming
  • D20-based
  • Apolitical OOC (until blatantly unreasonable)

Our ranks are strictly open to…

  • All blood elf and night elf demon hunters who role-play as Illidari-loyal.

| Recruitment: IC

Potential demon hunters of the Illidari Watch must face an IC interview.

| Events

Events will be weekly and typically broadly focused on all things related to Azeroth’s protection.

The events I personally run are like in-person D&D session via our Discord server; meaning there will be background music, voice acting, sound effects, and vocal interaction, in conjunction with game text input.

| Discord

| In-Game Community

| Questions?

Please feel free to post them below; be they related to recruitment, story, or otherwise.

| Updates!

The guild’s very first event will take place on Thursday (server time) IF allow. *exact time to be decided.

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| I. Reserved

| II. Reserved

Im sure noone is watching but curious if this is still a thing