The time is almost here Grobbulus!
Tomorrow at 5pm server time in Shattrath’s Lower City the ARPC will be presenting Grobbapalooza - Outland’s first music festival!
We will have a live DJ streaming on Twitch starting at 5pm ST until the event ends at 8pm ST.
At 6pm ST you’ll be able to take part in a costume contest with prizes for each faction - make sure to wear your craziest party outfits for a chance to win!
At 7pm ST the Tavern Crawl through the Lower City begins. Horde and Alliance will start at opposite ends of the map and meet in the middle for the last stop at World’s End Tavern!
Keep your eyes on the sky for the grand finale at 8pm!
Message Salem or Uyles (Alliance) or Frugo or Okwaho (Horde) in game for more info. The official event flyer and map are posted on the Grob discord and subreddit.
Get ready to party Grobmob!