[RP] Eternal Court Of Lordaeron ✸ [Multi-Server RP Community Project]

'What you don’t understand is that Windrunner’s security apparatus was focused inward more than not. Her talons were wrapped around the struggling throat of a beast she never quite tamed. Now she’s gone and that ancient creature licks its wounds and catches its breath.’ ~Anonymous SI-7 Clandestine Affairs Agent

Across the North, from Arathi to Quel’thalas things stir in the primordial forests and among the megalithic stones of Mighty Lordaeron. Hammers strike metal, picks break rock, axes hew wood. Flags long concealed below floorboards and behind hearths flutter in the breeze once more. Households with pedigrees reaching back into the distant mists of earliest history once more martial forces and gather resources. Loyal sons and daughters return home, having left in tattered, ragged bands now at the heads of foreign raised hosts dedicated to a place many of their number have never seen. In service to a new queen of an old country, they join those who never left, who wait for their long lost kith, kin, and ken with all eyes fixed upon a long dreamed of future that must be rent from the hands of destiny with claw and fist, blade and spell. Lordaeron is not dead. Lordaeron is Eternal.

This community rp project is centered around the struggles of identity that Lordaeron faces post Scourging, and post Sylvanas. Throughout much of the history of Forsaken rp, undead nobles and even undead noble households have risen and fallen inside the Warcraft community. Those undead nobles who remain as acting stewards of their land have faced struggles against the odds: surviving the reign of Sylvanas, while the living denies their rights to exist as stewards of the very land they have long called home. Elsewhere, living families want to return home only to find undead having taken up arms.

The Eternal Court of Lordaeron consists of the surviving peerages of the nation of Lordaeron and is nominally loyal to Queen Calia Menethil and the rightful crown of Lordaeron. Consisting of both those noble families who managed to survive in the North after the fall and the Scourging and those who fled, both living and dead the Eternal Court meets regularly so that the remaining masters of the estates and their allies may begin to coordinate their goals.

:large_blue_diamond: RP Style: The overall mood and feel we tend to aim for is a Court in the Dark Ages, think of Europe post-fall of Rome during the struggle to rebuild western civilization. This is not a polished setting with well-defined social and political structures in an IC sense due to the struggle to rebuild from the ashes.
:large_blue_diamond:Factions: Living and Undead alike who call Lordaeron home.
:large_blue_diamond:Discord With Additional Information: https://discord.gg/DWd9aXfQ8b
:large_blue_diamond:Founded: July 2021
:large_blue_diamond:Server: Moon Guard, however, all servers are welcome to take part.
:large_blue_diamond:RP Operations Location: Ambermill, Silverpine (subject to change based on lore)
:large_blue_diamond:OOC Ages: Due to the darker themes in rp associated with undead rp, and the horrors of what Lordaeron has been subjected to in canon lore this is an adult-only rp project.
:large_blue_diamond:Associated Projects: Though this project is hostile to a variety of other ic rp projects that hostility is strictly an ic rp aspect. We oocly cooperate respectfully with other projects to conduct stories, political engagements, and even rp-pvp events.