A small wooden box neatly wrapped in heavy linen is delivered to the AAMS office. The wrapping is secured with shopkeeper’s string, and a seal of blue wax affixed to the top of the package holds it all in place. A paper label is anchored beneath the seal. Written in a precise, practiced hand, it reads:
Deliver to: AAMS Office
c/o Kezrin Kanzelry
Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale
Unwrapped, the box is finely crafted and ornately carved; inlaid in gold, the lid bears the crest of old Lordaeron. The box appears to have been repurposed from its original use for this delivery. Contained within the velvet-lined interior are two scrolls sealed with the same blue wax, a sheaf of sketches, a full pouch of gold coin, and a letter addressed to Kezrin Kanzerly.
Dear Ms. Kanzerly,
Contained in this box you will find the items required by the AAMS to complete the delivery we discussed previously in Thunderbluff.
I am searching for two brothers - Thorin and Jairian Redrick. They are family to me, and I hope to reconnect with them, if they still live. We were separated when Lordaeron and the Capital City fell to the Scourge, and I have not seen them since that day. I have included sealed messages to be delivered to both, if they are able to be found. Each scroll is labeled with the recipient’s name.
To aid in the search, I have included a variety of sketches of both men. They are depicted as I last remember them - unfortunately, many years have passed since then, and I anticipate the likenesses are no longer entirely accurate. However, I hope they can still be valuable as a point of reference.
The sketches have been tucked inside the folded letter. Done in richly pigmented ink on crisp, heavy paper, they are well executed and dynamic, depicting the subjects from several angles and poses. They are small enough to be easily carried in a messenger’s satchel. On the reverse of some of the sketches are additional notes with physical descriptions and notable details.
One such sketch shows both brothers - the more youthful-looking of the two has an arm slung casually around his sibling’s shoulder. His manner seems jovial and outgoing, and he smiles broadly; while the posture of the elder is more formal, and his expression serious, yet kind. The ghost of a smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. The younger is labeled as Jairian; the elder, Thorin.
In this sketch they wear matching silver medallions around their necks, which have been drawn in such a way to catch the viewer’s eye. There is an additional drawing of the medallion on the reverse, rendering its design in detail. There is also a note, which reads:
Thorin and Jairian wielded the Light in faithful service as paladins in the Order of the Silver Hand. To remind themselves of their pledge, they had silver medallions crafted and engraved with the Order’s emblem. They cherished them and wore them always. The craftsmanship is unique, and may serve as an identifying feature if still worn.
The letter continues:
I have reason to believe that Thorin may be residing in or near New Stormwind. It is the city of his birth, and also the location of his last known whereabouts. He was visiting there when Lordaeron fell. We had connections to a child living in the city at the time - not of our own, but an orphan of Stratholme sent to live in the more peaceful southern kingdom. He was in the city to check on her wellbeing. Her name is Moreta Brandwyne, and there is a possibility that Thorin maintained a relationship with the child. Locating her may lead to him, as well. She would now be a young adult.
Sadly, I have no leads on Jairian’s whereabouts. I am doubtful he lives, considering we were both present in the Capital City the day it fell. While there is a slim chance he may have escaped, I do not hold out much hope. I thought perhaps he may have been raised into the ranks of the undead, but so far as I know, he does not reside among the Forsaken or their Horde allies. As long as a question remains to his fate, I will continue to search. Therefore, a letter for Jairian is included in the event he has defied the odds and still survives.
Please spare no expense in your search. To show my commitment, I have included an advance payment to cover any initial costs. In addition, the box originally containing this delivery is quite valuable. You may do with it as you wish. If more funds are required, please bill me for any additional charges. Notification of debts may be forwarded to:
Surinda Redrick
c/o Postmaster
Silvermoon City, Quel’Thalas
It is my wish that all efforts be taken to locate both men. In the event they are found, I will also pay the expense for the courier to remain until the letter is read, and a return response is obtained.
I thank you in advance for any and all attempts to complete this delivery.
With sincere regard I remain, respectfully,
Surinda Brandwyne Redrick